- 复合门 (137)
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- 安检门 (426)
- 感应门 (169)
The secret of the garbage station (I)
\”The Secret of the Garbage Station\” In the quiet village, the two green trash cans at the entrance of the village are always open. The villagers gradually discovered …
Suzhou Gaote Sound Control has obtained a patent for combined soundproof doors, which facilitates tool-less replacement of damaged soundproof panels in the future.
According to news from the financial industry on January 18, 2025, information from the State Intellectual Property Office shows that Suzhou Gaote Sound Control Engineering Co., Lt…
0445. Construction technology of fireproof and soundproof doors for factory warehouse doors and special doors
0055 Factory warehouse door, special door fireproof and soundproof door construction technology 0055. Factory warehouse door, Special door fireproof and soundproof door constructio…
Jiaozuo Chengen Machinery Co., Ltd. obtained a patent for a noise-reducing machining center that facilitates opening and closing of soundproof doors to save manpower and time.
According to news from the financial industry on January 17, 2025, information from the State Intellectual Property Office shows that Jiaozuo Chengen Machinery Co., Ltd. has obtain…
Hebei Haoyun Tiancheng Wood Industry obtained the patent for environmentally friendly soundproof doors to increase sound insulation effect
According to news from the financial industry on January 6, 2025, information from the State Intellectual Property Office shows that Hebei Haoyun Tiancheng Wood Industry Co., Ltd. …
We live next to the road and my house has taken so many sound insulation measures. Is it not as good as my neighbor\’s house?
In order to have a truly quiet and comfortable home, many people do soundproofing when decorating. In addition to making the ground base thicker and adding shock-absorbing and soun…
Is it necessary to have a door-to-top wardrobe? 95% of people are misled
The decision-making process in customizing a wardrobe Among them, the door-to-top design often makes people hesitate. Many people have heard of the concept but have doubts about it…
When buying a house, don’t step into this trap. The decoration master will tell you the truth.
It’s almost 2025. I can’t believe this will happen again. Buy a house. How can I be tricked like this? I have a nephew who is 29 years old this year. He graduated from college and …
Admit it! The glass door of the refrigerator is a \”chicken thief\” design. I will never buy it.
Glass door refrigerators may be a \”chicken thief\” design. After all, its output accounts for almost 95% of the market share. There are fewer and fewer refrigerators w…
Decoration master advises: Close doors and windows tightly after decoration! It’s not superstition, it turns out there are so many benefits
We finished renovating a house. The owner originally wanted to open the windows for ventilation, but we kept saying: \”After the renovation is completed, the windows cannot b…
How does it feel to have a house with poor soundproofing? Read and share in the comment area. It’s so true!
Dear readers, before watching, please extend your precious hand, follow and like, and wish me the best Dear readers, everything goes well every day, your financial resources are ab…
\”Is it necessary to install a door lock? The results of the evaluation of 4 popular models are unexpected\”
\” Should I install smart door locks at home? \”This question has been bothering me for several weeks since I started decorating my home. Especially after having childr…
One office trip costs a hundred dollars! The soundproof cabin is installed in a shopping mall. Who is using it?
Before reading this article, please click \”Follow\”, which will not only facilitate your discussion and sharing, but also bring you inconvenience The same sense of par…
金融界2024年11月11日消息,國傢知識產權局信息顯示,河南宇廷門業有限公司取得一項名為“一種可調節隔音的鋁合金門”的專利,授權公告號CN 221973368 U,申請日期為2024年2月。 專利摘要顯示,本實用新型涉及鋁合金門技術領域,具體公開瞭一種可調節隔音的鋁合金門,包括安裝框,所述安裝框的內部放置有兩個鋁合金門本體,移動組件,所述移動組件安裝在兩個…
隨著人們對酒店住宿品質要求的提高,酒店的隔音降噪問題逐漸受到重視。好的隔音降噪配置可以提供安靜舒適的住宿環境,提高酒店客戶滿意度。江山歐派與尚美數智科技集團有限公司強強聯合,成功推出瞭新一代酒店隔音門,為酒店行業提供瞭全新的隔音解決方案,這也標志著雙方在酒店裝修領域的深度合作邁出瞭堅實的一步。 江山歐派在與尚美集團合作初期便確定瞭“聯合研發、資源共享”的合作…
如今裝修房子,許多人都會考慮隔音問題,尤其是睡眠質量不佳的人,更需做好隔音,否則自己的睡眠隨時可能被影響。現在隔音方法眾多,在裝修時就得規劃妥當。但到底哪些隔音方法真正有效呢?以下這三種誤導瞭不少人,讓你花瞭錢卻沒效果! 其一,天花板安裝減震器。這種隔音方式較為傳統,裝修時直接安裝在天花板上。然而,有接觸就會存在 “共震”,隔音效果並不顯著。而且,20 厘米…
俗話說木門選得好,覺也睡得好!門是傢裡安全感重要保障,不論從質量、顏值、靜音的方面來說,一款好用的門絕對是傢裡門面擔當。很多人選門的時候很糾結,實木門、復合門、多層實木門等這麼多門,看得眼花繚亂。今天來分享一下選木門的心得,選擇木門建議重點看隔音、質量環保、顏值、安裝、五金、材質等要點,傢裡在裝修選門可以好好看此文哦。 一、木門隔音要好 臥室門一定要選隔音好…
消聲室門的隔音標準通常需要滿足非常高的要求,因為消聲室本身就是為瞭創建一個幾乎無反射聲的環境而設計的。消聲室門作為連接外界與消聲室內部的重要通道,必須能夠有效地隔絕外部噪聲,以保持消聲室內的聲學性能不受影響。 以下是消聲室門的一些通用標準和特點: 構造材料: 選用較高精度的冷軋鋼板制作門體。 門體空腔中填充隔音材料,隔音材料的容重通常控制在50至100kg/…
鋼質防水密閉門作為專為防止水患和其他外部因素而設計的安全設備,具有多項顯著優點。以下是對其優點的詳細歸納: 北京酷思帝克門窗 一、高強度與耐久性 材料優勢:鋼質防水密閉門主要由平鋼板、井字筋板和圈梁等組焊制成,門框則采用槽鋼、工字鋼組合框架結構,這種材料組合賦予瞭門體極高的抗壓強度、拉伸屈服強度和抗風壓性能。 耐久性:不銹鋼或經過特殊處理的鋼材具有良好的耐腐…
鋼質防水密閉門是專為防止水患和其他外部因素而設計的一種安全設備,其特性和用途主要包括以下幾個方面: 北京酷思帝克門窗 一、主要特性 材料構成:鋼質防水密閉門主要由平鋼板、井字筋板和圈梁等組焊制成的門扇,以及由槽鋼、工字鋼組合框架結構制成的門框構成。門扇與門框之間采用獨特的密封結構,如橡膠密封條等密封材料,實現緊密貼合,有效防止水分滲透。 防水性能:防水性能突…