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Has the hidden camera evolved into this now? It makes people sweat! It breaks the defense.
If you don’t understand, just ask what kind of hotel it is? Is the service so advanced? It’s impossible to cover your head all the time, it’s so uncomfortable, if you mind. Wear a …
Induction or manual? It turns out that this is how sensor faucets “understand” in seconds
When lubricated and shiny, shining with metallic light A sensor faucet has arrived On your hands at home Will you unpack it immediately? Installed, Then experience it with freshnes…
Where is the sensing probe of the mechanical thermometer and hygrometer?
Mechanical thermo-hygrometer as the name suggests is The thermometer and hygrometer made based on mechanical principles can complete the instructions without using energy such as b…
Mazda recalls 672 vehicles due to faulty forward-facing cameras
Mazda will recall some 2024 Mazda3, CX-30 and 2025 CX-50 vehicles in the United States. Failure of the Forward Sensing Camera (FSC) in these vehicles may prevent the automatic emer…
TP-LINK launches SL41 smart door lock: supports 3D face recognition, starting price is 799 yuan
IT House reported on November 9 that TP-LINK has now launched the 3D face recognition smart door lock SL41, starting at 799 yuan. According to the official introduction,This smart …
A female tourist found a hidden camera in the restroom of a scenic spot? Jiangxi Wugong Mountain: It is a smart sensing device
On July 5, a netizen posted a video saying that in a public toilet in Wugong Mountain, Pingxiang, Jiangxi, there was a device suspected of filming a camera behind the toilet. On th…
A Jinshan girl\’s right foot was \”bitten\” by a hotel revolving door and she is in critical condition! Fortunately…
Recently, in front of the revolving door of a hotel lobby on Hangzhou Bay Avenue in Jinshan City, a five or six-year-old girl\’s right foot was stuck by the revolving door, u…
How to wire the temperature and humidity sensor probe in the 485 computer room
Monitoring indoor temperature and humidity must be achieved by using the 485 computer room temperature and humidity sensing probe. Through the sensing and display functions of the …
Chengdu traditional Chinese medicine center automatic sensor door production
Video loading… Our company produces: stainless steel door covers, window covers, lines, screens, sliding doors; automatic sensor doors; stair railings and other metal product…
Common faults of automatic sensor doors
An automatic induction door is a door that uses sensors to control the opening and closing of the door leaf. Its faults are usually related to sensors, electronic control component…
How to use the rechargeable induction doorbell voice prompter
How to use the rechargeable induction doorbell voice prompter? The sensing probe and the playback speaker are both facing upward (as shown in Figure 2 ), There are three buttons on…
Coming! Four days later, Central China\’s first modern tram opened. You can get on the train first and then buy your ticket, enjoying \”flight attendant-style\” service. Everything you want to know is here…
This week (28th) Central China’s first modern tram———— Wuhan Chedu T1 Line passenger trial operation Is the Chedu T1 line Shenma? How to ride? How to purchase tickets? …̷…
How to use the door—Does the automatic sensor door need regular maintenance?
required. As a comprehensive movable body with mechanical and electronic control, the sliding automatic door will have a certain deviation after running for a period of time, the t…
金融界2024年11月27日消息,國傢知識產權局信息顯示,山東科匯藥業有限公司取得一項名為“一種加工車間用廢氣泄漏檢測裝置”的專利,授權公告號 CN 222049427 U,申請日期為2024年2月。 專利摘要顯示,本實用新型涉及一種加工車間用廢氣泄漏檢測裝置,屬於廢氣檢測技術領域,包括集氣管、吸風裝置和檢測儀,所述吸風裝置設置在集氣管和檢測儀之間,所述檢測…
12月2日,本報從深圳市福田區政府獲悉,北京大學深圳醫院口腔體檢中心改造工程9·15觸電事故已於近日查明。 據悉,2024年9月15日11時50分許,北京大學深圳醫院門診北樓三層改造工程發生一起觸電事故,造成1名工人孫某光死亡。 本報梳理發現,事發項目為北京大學深圳醫院口腔體檢大樓三層改造工程,建設單位為北京大學深圳醫院,監理單位為深圳市龍建建設監理有限公司…
金融界2024年12月7日消息,國傢知識產權局信息顯示,鹽城艾肯科技有限公司取得一項名為“一種印刷電路板油墨濃度檢測裝置”的專利,授權公告號 CN 222105401 U,申請日期為 2024 年 2 月。 專利摘要顯示,本實用新型涉及油墨檢測技術領域,具體公開瞭一種印刷電路板油墨濃度檢測裝置,包括底座和設在底座上方的主控箱,底座上端設有轉盤,轉盤上端設有多…
金融界2024年12月7日消息,國傢知識產權局信息顯示,深圳市利思達光電科技有限公司取得一項名為“探頭感應庭院路燈”的專利,授權公告號 CN 222103446 U,申請日期為2024年5月。 專利摘要顯示,一種探頭感應庭院路燈,包括太陽能板1、PIR感應模塊3、鋰電池5、納米反光罩12、燈罩8、用於提供光源的燈板7以及安裝在所述燈板7上的控制器;所述太陽能…
金融界2024年12月4日消息,國傢知識產權局信息顯示,東莞傳晟光電有限公司取得一項名為“條形小夜燈”的專利,授權公告號CN 222085950 U,申請日期為2024年3月。 專利摘要顯示,本實用新型公開瞭條形小夜燈,包括外殼、控制電路板和鋰電池,所述控制電路板和鋰電池均與外殼的內部固定連接,所述鋰電池的輸出端與控制電路板的輸入端連接,所述控制電路板的一端…
智能門禁刷臉進出,隻需二秒體溫測量立即精確顯示。不用近距離接觸,避免瞭傳染風險。這個在防疫工作的重要時期讓人安全感十足的地方,不是什麼豪宅,也不是未來願景,而是南京市浦口區橋林街道的一個拆遷安置小區——浦口經濟開發區蘭橋雅居小區。 南京市公安局浦口分局創新研發“快檢”系統,巧用智慧警務化解小區人口基數大、流動性強,與社區居民溝通不暢等難題,提升瞭疫情防控…