Ma Xiaomei\’s pill head tutorial to show off wealth? Heated discussion among luxury homes: Four -line houses in the household door!

Today, Ma Xiaomei’s video of a tutorial on how to tie her hair with a round head unexpectedly became popular. The reason was not her superb hair braiding skills, but the interior of a luxurious mansion that was inadvertently revealed in the background of the video. The luxury of this mansion has made netizens exclaim. Some even compared it with Big S\’s famous mansion in Taipei. There are even rumors that the mansion is worth as much as 75 million yuan, and one of the details – the entrance door The price is enough to buy a property in a fourth-tier city!

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Ma Xiaomei is here In the video, he is dressed casually and with a smile on his face, concentrating on demonstrating to the audience how to create a fashionable and practical bun. However, as the camera moves, the mansion background behind him gradually enters the audience\’s field of vision: a spacious and bright living room, high-end leather sofas, and abstract art paintings hanging on the wall. Every detail reveals extraordinary taste and style. .

Ma Xiaomei\'s pill head tutorial to show off wealth? Heated discussion among luxury homes: Four -line houses in the household door!

But what really caused a stir among netizens was the entrance door of the mansion that was vaguely visible in the corner of the video. This door has a unique design and exquisite materials. According to netizens, the entrance door is made of top-grade solid wood and precision hardware. It not only has extremely high anti-theft performance, but its artistic value cannot be underestimated. An insider revealed that the price of such a door is enough to buy a medium-sized residence in a fourth-tier city, which is staggering.

Ma Xiaomei\'s pill head tutorial to show off wealth? Heated discussion among luxury homes: Four -line houses in the household door!

With the wide spread of the video, netizens started a warm discussion on Ma Xiaomei\’s mansion of the mansion of Ma Xiaomei. Some people are envious and lament that \”poverty has limited imagination\”; some people questioned their offering wealth and believed that the background of the luxury home in the beauty tutorial was not suitable. From architectural style to interior decoration, analyze one by one, try to find the difference between the two. 5 ~ TPLV-TT-Origin-Web: GIF.JPEG? _IZ = 58558 & FROM = Article.pc_detai L & LK3S = 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738378945 & X-Signature = Z7OBRSCSUJP J1ccphr0re0xz8vc%3d \”/>

Facing the heated discussion among netizens, Ma Xiaomei himself did not respond directly. Whether the iceberg is a spacious and bright kitchen or a study of various artworks, it shows the owner\’s pursuit of quality life. COM/TOS-CN-I-6W9MY0KSVP/6F2B5C3DA19740D5B5E1D03B3469F7B4 ~ TPLV- TT-Origin-WEB: GIF.JPEG? _IZ = 58558 & FROM = Article.pc_detail & LK3S = 9 53192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738378945 & X-Signature = ImUQTLED4JWX7CWEJR0SIVWQCHI%3D \”/>

This incident not only made Ma Xiaomei\’s luxury house the focus of public attention, but also caused people to show the lifestyle on social media to show their lifestyle on social media Thinking. In the era of information explosion, everyone is showing their own living conditions in various ways, and how to balance personal privacy and public attention has become a problem worth pondering. HTTps:// 58558&from=article.pc_detail&lk3s=953192f4&x-expires=1738378945&x-signature=9%2BSBPOx7rkJcoCUxq5iuckQrNP4%3D\”/>

In short, Ma Xiaomei’s ball head tutorial unexpectedly became popular, but because of its mansion background, it triggered a debate about wealth, privacy and social media Extensive discussion on display. In this online world full of variables, everyone may become the center of the next topic, and how to face it all with a more rational and tolerant attitude may be a lesson we all need to learn.


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