The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

If the bathroom door is not selected correctly, it will not only affect the use, but will also become damp and moldy, greatly reducing the aesthetics and affecting health. How to choose a beautiful and \”long-lasting\” bathroom door? Today, the editor is here to talk to you.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

Let’s first take a look at what are the common bathroom doors on the market?

There are two main types of bathroom doors on the market: one is an aluminum alloy glass door, and the other is a wooden door.

1.Aluminum alloy glass door:

Aluminum The alloy door is very stable. When paired with Changhong glass, it not only looks good, but also has very good lighting and airtightness. If the budget is limited, the combination of aluminum alloy + ordinary frosted glass is also very good. The appearance is not reduced much, but the practicality is perfectly retained.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

2. Wooden door

Wooden doors come in many styles and colors, and have the same texture as bedroom doors. They are more suitable for the overall style of the home and are very classy. However, the waterproofness and deformation resistance of wooden doors are inferior to those of aluminum alloy glass doors. To put it mildly, the price of good-looking wooden doors may be a little more expensive than that of aluminum alloy glass doors.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

So, how to determine which door is suitable for your home?

What kind of door is suitable for installation in your home? The specific situation needs to be analyzed in detail.

It is best to choose aluminum alloy glass doors in the following situations:

① The bathroom is used as a family Places that use the most water generally have heavier moisture. If the bathroom window is small and the water vapor generated during bathing cannot be discharged in time, choose an aluminum alloy glass door;

② If the bathroom area is small, dry and wet separation cannot be done;

③If the budget for the bathroom door is limited, and the durability of the door is more important;

④IfWhen the lighting in the bathroom is not very good, good light transmittance is needed;

⑤ I simply like the door style of aluminum alloy + Changhong glass or frosted glass.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

Tips for choosing bathroom aluminum alloy glass doors!

① Profile: best Choosing titanium-magnesium alloy means that titanium-magnesium is added to the aluminum alloy so that the door frame can be more durable.

②Door frame: Choose an extremely narrow frame door. Do not select the fake extremely narrow border, which means the door frameThe width should not exceed 2cm and the thickness should not exceed 2mm, so that it will look good and durable.

③Door cover: menu cover, no Choose a double cover, which is not only cheaper but also allows for wider passing space.

④Glass: Choose ultra-white ones with strong privacy, do not choose ordinary white ones (note that whether Regardless of the glass material, choosing ultra-clear glass will cost a small amount of money).

⑤ Hinge: Select the invisible hinge of the heaven and earth axis page, do not select traditional hinges. The invisible hinge of the heaven and earth axis does not leak at all, and the overall appearance is more beautiful.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

If you like wooden doors, you can choose:

① The bathroom has dry and wet separation and a large window. You don’t have to worry about moisture problems. You can choose wooden doors with confidence.

②The bathroom area is larger than 5㎡, and it can ensure that water will not splash on the door when taking a shower;

③Very I like the material of wooden doors, and if the economic conditions permit.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

Timetable Tips:

<span style = \"color: #1F4E79; –tt-Darkmode-color: #5d9cd6;\" ① Door body: Choose it to pass through Special waterproofing doors, such as PU paint.

<span style = \"color: #1F4E79; –tt-darkmode-color: #5d9cd6;\" Layers can avoid problems such as deformation and rotten due to water vapor, etc. after brushing.

② The lighting of the wooden door is a bit worse than You can consider making wooden doors inlaid.

The height can be increased to form a height difference with the ground. It is best to use waterproof sealing gum at the bottom of the door cover.

The bathroom selection technique, if you don’t look at it, you will lose great

Okay! The above is how to choose the bathroom door in this issue. I believe that people who have seen them know which door is more suitable for their own home, and how to choose a better gonorrhea door. I still welcomed the message below the editor below, and the editor must answer them one by one.


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