After buying a new house, why is it recommended to replace the \”entry door\”? Experts give me the answer. I understand.

We all know that the entrance door is related to the personal and property safety of the home, so when choosing and installing the entrance door, we will be very cautious. Basically, the houses we buy at this stage are Commercial housing developers have uniformly installed entrance doors, so most owners don’t pay much attention to the issue of entrance doors.

Some people on the Internet say that the entrance door installed by the developer should be replaced, while others say that it is not necessary to replace the entrance door. After all, it is an expense! So what should be done with the entrance door installed by the developer? Why do some people recommend replacing entry doors?

First of all, insiders say that the quality of the entrance doors installed by developers is unknown

When developers develop properties, they will purchase doors and windows in a unified manner, usually not a small amount, and the cost involved The cost is naturally high. Some people in the industry say that in order to control costs when building houses, most developers usually choose doors that are not cost-effective enough. Such doors can only be called engineering doors, not security doors. .

The strength of anti-theft doors is divided into four levels: A, B, C and D. Among them, level A is the highest level. These levels will be marked with steel seals on the side of the anti-theft door. If not, it is definitely not anti-theft. door. In addition to the unknown quality of the entrance door installed by the developer, another aspect is that during decoration, it is very likely that the entrance door installed by the developer will not match the decoration style of the home, and the subsequent decoration effect will be greatly reduced. .

There is also a question about mutual opening rates. This is mainly because the security doors provided by developers are all the same, so the neighbor’s key can even open your own door, which is ridiculous. .

Secondly, as to whether the entrance door installed by the developer should be replaced, this is what insiders say

Many people may think that the quality of the entrance door installed by the developer is okay. In fact, This is when the developer wants the Quality Supervision Bureau to come to inspect the house and the house can successfully pass the inspection. In addition to fire resistance and sound insulation, the entrance door installed with good quality can also play the role of sound insulation and anti-theft. Generally, it can Meet the needs of ordinary families.

And judging from current communities, security facilities are generally relatively complete, and property management and monitoring are relatively complete, so there is no need to install complicated metal security doors. In addition, the installation cost of anti-theft doors is not low. As an expert who has experienced it, it is better to change the lock than to replace the door. This can not only avoid unnecessary expenses, but also avoid the above problems to a certain extent.

Finally, experts also have some suggestions for replacing the entrance door

The first is to grasp the time. It is best to replace the security door after the masons enter or before leaving. , that is to say, you should decide whether to replace it at the beginning of the decoration, so as to avoid potential safety hazards in the later stage.

The second is to choose a good anti-theft lock. The safety factor of the door is determined by it. If the quality of the door panel is okay, you only need to change the lock. The security level of the lock is generally classified as A. , B, C3 level, C level anti-theft levelThe highest, so when choosing a lock, try to choose C or B, the safety will be higher, and the daily residence will be more assured.

The third is to choose professional brands, anti -theft doors and anti -theft locks, choose regular manufacturers and stores, security theft doors, pay attention to a FAM logo, so as to choose more safe products Essence

After listening to the internal pedestrians\’ answers to the household door, it seems to be even more tangled. The cost of changing the door is also tangled. Hurry! The most important thing to change the door is really troublesome! What do you think about this?

A friend of the editor recently looked at the house on the Internet and wanted to buy a suit to appreciate, but I don’t know if you want to buy a house or a shop. Look at the shop information on the Internet. What do you think?


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