Reasons why aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched

Aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched or hit at will, mainly for the following reasons:

1. Appearance and quality of protective doors

  1. Prevent scratches: Heavy or sharp objects may scratch the surface of the aluminum wooden door, which will not only affect the aesthetics of the door, but may also destroy the protective layer on its surface , which in turn affects the overall quality and service life of the door.
  2. Keep it clean: During daily use, if the internal and external surfaces are stained with oil, you can use a neutral water-soluble detergent to scrub them, but you cannot use sandpaper. It should not be polished or scraped with a sharp blade, nor should it come into contact with or rub against objects with high hardness or coarse particles, otherwise it will damage the decorative surface of the door.

Reasons why aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched

Reasons why aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched

Reasons why aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched

Reasons why aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched

2. Structure and performance of protective doors

  1. Structural stability: The structure of aluminum-wood doors is relatively stable, but impact may cause the filling inside to loosen or deform, thereby affecting the door. Thermal and sound insulation effect and overall stability.
  2. Avoid deformation: Avoid hanging objects on the open window sash to avoid damage and deformation of the window sash. When the screen is not in use, the user can remove it and keep it as needed. It should be kept at a distance. Do not use hard objects to store the heat source one meter away to avoid deformation.

3. Avoid affecting use. Lifespan

  1. Environmental Impact: Extreme humidity, temperature changes, and frequent exposure to water or proximity to heat sources can affect the quality and appearance of aluminum wood doors. Therefore, these negative factors need to be avoided. .
  2. Daily maintenance: Correct use and maintenance can extend the service life of aluminum-wood doors. For example, the joints of door and window frames should be dealt with every three months. Clean the grooves and push-pull and folding slide rails to prevent sediment from damaging the hardwareadverse effects caused by the use of the software.

In summary, the reason why aluminum wooden doors cannot be touched at will is mainly to protect their appearance, structure and performance, thereby extending their service life. When using aluminum wooden doors, it is recommended to follow the product instructions for correct operation and maintenance.


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