It\’s not superstitious. No matter how big the house is, remember to open the door and don’t just face this \”6\” things.

1. Core Points

The article introduces that no matter the size of the house, there are many things to pay attention to in the layout of the door. There are 6 things that should not be done properly. Facing the door, although these particularities seem to be related to metaphysics, they are reasonable from the perspective of practical life and culture, and are not entirely feudal superstitions.

2. Main content

(1) Not facing the utility cabinet

1. Practical life problems

• Whether it is the corridor of an old community or the private space at the entrance of a new community, piling up debris will affect access and safety in emergencies. Hidden danger.

• Clutter affects your mood and leads to poor air circulation. If it is piled for a long time, it will produce dust and absorb moisture. It may become moldy and deteriorate, breed bacteria and viruses, and affect your health.

It\'s not superstitious. No matter how big the house is, remember to open the door and don’t just face this \"6\" things.

2. Feng Shui perspective

• The door is the entry point for luck. Piling up clutter will block luck and wealth, affect the fortune of the family, lead to a disharmonious living atmosphere, and make life and work difficult. It is recommended to put the debris in the basement or garage, and place green plants or decorative paintings at the door.

(2) Don’t put a mirror

1. Real life problems

• Mirrors reflect and refract light. When placed at the door, you may see the reflection or your own shadow every time you open the door, which will startle you and increase the panic and uneasiness of family members.

2. Feng Shui perspective

• The door is the entry point for luck. A mirror facing the door will reflect good and bad luck. , leading to a decrease in family fortune, unfavorable family harmony, and couples may have constant quarrels. It is recommended to putWall or living room on the door.

It\'s not superstitious. No matter how big the house is, remember to open the door and don’t just face this \"6\" things.

(3) The bed cannot be facing the front entrance

1. Actual life problems

• Small apartment houses may have the door to open the bed, expose privacy, people make people make people make people, which makes people make people. Without a sense of security, emotions from relaxation to tension, long -term anxiety and anxiety, affecting health and family members.

• Blow the air outside when the door is opened, and the cold wind blows the bed in the cold winter, affecting the sleep quality of the people on the bed.

2. Solution

• Adjust the furniture position. If it cannot be changed, it can be covered with curtains.

(4) The door cannot be the toilet. \”24\”> • The toilet is strong. Opening the door will cause an embarrassing situation to the toilet, affecting the first impression of the guests and the family, and may be considered to be unwavering.

2. Solution

If the pattern cannot be changed, you can install the door or put the door curtain, the screen is separated from the toilet Essence

It\'s not superstitious. No matter how big the house is, remember to open the door and don’t just face this \"6\" things.

(5) Do not face the clock

1. Practical life problems

• Put a clock at the door. When eight people are waiting to go out, they will unconsciously look at the clock and create tension.

2. Feng Shui perspective

• Zhong and Zhi are homophonic, which is considered unlucky. Placing it at the door may hinder the luck of the home.

(6) Keep altar statues and sharp objects away

1. Practical life issues

• When you open the door and see the statue, you will feel depressed and fearful. Going in and out will be considered as disturbing the god and disrespecting the statue.

• Place axes and swords among handicrafts at the door. Sharp objects filled with anger can make people grumpy in the long run

• Leaving valuable items such as porcelain and handicrafts at the door may be noticed by thieves due to the principle of keeping wealth private.

It\'s not superstitious. No matter how big the house is, remember to open the door and don’t just face this \"6\" things.

3. Summary

Each region has different views on family layout 1. However, it is recommended to learn more about relevant knowledge when decorating. There is a lot of knowledge at the entrance to the house. If you don’t know, it is best not to put items. The warmth and happiness of the family depend on everyone to maintain it. The home should be a relaxing and comfortable place, and the overall atmosphere and living environment must be improved. experience.


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