When building houses in rural areas, there is a saying that \”if there is a crosswalk at the door, the descendants will be rich and prosperous.\” Do you know the reason?

For traditional Chinese people, owning a house is the most important thing in life. Whether people in the city are buying a house or people in the countryside are building a house, they all want a good location, which is not only comfortable to live in, but also related to Feng Shui.

Don’t think that Feng Shui is superstitious when you hear it. In fact, Feng Shui has a lot of knowledge! It is closely related to nature, and there are many reasonable and scientific aspects in it. Of course, there is also some spiritualism in it. We just need to take the essence and discard the dross.

For example, in rural house building, there is a saying born out of Feng Shui: if there is a crosswalk at the door, the descendants will be rich. Upon first hearing it, many people’s first reaction may be: This is purely superstitious. Don\’t worry, after reading the explanation, you will feel that this statement makes some sense.

When building houses in rural areas, there is a saying that \"if there is a crosswalk at the door, the descendants will be rich and prosperous.\" Do you know the reason?

To get rich, build roads first.

There is a road in front of the door that connects to the outside world. With developed transportation, it is convenient for people in the village to go out and people from outside to come in. Selling agricultural products, running farmhouses, organizing tours, etc. all require a accessible road. With more people traveling from north to south and information exchange, there will be more business opportunities. The same goes for cities that want to develop.

So from this perspective, if there is a road in front of the door, there are prerequisites for getting rich. As long as people work hard and make progress, their lives will definitely get better and better. Whether it is a horizontal road, a straight road, or a detour, as long as it is connected to the outside world, it is a good road and a road to wealth.

When building houses in rural areas, there is a saying that \"if there is a crosswalk at the door, the descendants will be rich and prosperous.\" Do you know the reason?

But why do the older generation particularly like \”crossing roads\”? This has to be said from Feng Shui.

There is a cross road at the door, which refers to the road directly opposite the door and parallel to the house.

A house is the object that has the closest relationship with people. It is a place where people can shelter from the wind and rain and settle down. The quality of the house is directly related to people\’s living conditions. Therefore, since ancient times, people have been very particular about building houses. They must not be careless about the orientation, site selection, structural layout, and various precautions during house building.

The road is also very important as it connects the houses and is a place for walking in and out. In Feng Shui, rivers, lakes and seas are naturally water, and all kinds of roads can also be called water, commonly known as dry water. There is a saying in Feng Shui that \”Mountains manage people but water manages wealth\”. There are taboos on whether there is a mountain behind the house, the shape of the mountain, water or road in front of the house, and the direction of the water and road.

In the past, the circulation of money between people was based on roads, whether it was water or land. Without roads, there would be no communication, and materials could not be exchanged, and naturally they could not be transformed into money. Therefore, the term \”water management of wealth\” also makes sense.

When building houses in rural areas, there is a saying that \"if there is a crosswalk at the door, the descendants will be rich and prosperous.\" Do you know the reason?

Among them, if there is a road in front of the house, a horizontal road is the best. Straight roads and reverse roads are not allowed.

Because most houses in ancient my country were built from the north to the south, so the horizontal roads ran east-west. The ancients believed that if there was an east-west avenue in front of the house, the family would have good luck., later generations of talents emerged in large numbers, many dignitaries.

The straight road is a road that goes straight to the gate. This is a kind of \”road rush\”. There is a saying among the people that \”a straight road has a gun\” and \”ten roads rush nine evils\”. It is an unlucky location.

The anti-bow road means that the road directly opposite the house is U-shaped and extends outwards, forming an anti-bow shape, like an arrow on a string, an arrow piercing the heart. In Feng Shui, building The house across from Fangong Road is in a feng shui disadvantaged position.

Although the above statement is too subjective, starting from real life, there are so many vehicles as there are now, with direct cross roads and a wide field of vision, traffic accidents can be avoided. On a straight road or a curved road, if you encounter a speeding driver or a driver who is unfamiliar with the road conditions, you are likely to have a traffic accident and crash into a house on the roadside. The risk factor is much higher.

When building houses in rural areas, there is a saying that \"if there is a crosswalk at the door, the descendants will be rich and prosperous.\" Do you know the reason?

To sum up, \”there is a crossroad at the door, and the children and grandchildren will be rich\” is not entirely a subjective expectation, it also contains actual life experience, and for modern There is still some reference for people building and buying houses. Friends, what do you think of this old saying?

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