Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \”Xingxingxingxing\”?

The Spring Festival is near, the flavor of the year

It is the day of the spring couplet again!

First left and right


How do you post the Spring Festival couplet?

How to distinguish the upper and lower parties?


Will you read this spring couplet?

When it comes to the Spring Festival couplet, we have to mention the unique language charm of our ancestors. Have you ever seen the Spring Festival couplet composed of only one word?

\”Xingxingxingxing\”, \”long, long and long\” …

This kind of spring couplet may be confused at first glance, but through Voice changes, you will find a profound meaning.

Ring (háng) line (xíng) line (háng) line (xíng) line (háng) line (háng) line (xíng), means \”all walks Go through. \” This Spring Festival couplet consisting of a word and different pronunciation is also called \”Different Voice Division\”.

There are many such as that, \”Lele Lele\” How to read?

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?

When did the Spring Festival originated from?

\”There is no spring, there is a stronger spring.\” When it comes to the Spring Festival couplet, do you think of the \”Thousands of Households in the Yuan Dynasty\” written by Wang Anshi in the Song Dynasty in \”Yuan Ri\”? In fact, the \”Peach Fune\” here is the predecessor of the Spring Festival couplet .

The Spring Festival couplet has been available as early as Zhou Dynasty . At that time, people hung a rectangular peach board on the door, and wrote the names of \”Shen Tu\” and \”Yu Lei\” on it to drive away evil spirits. This peach board is called \”peach rune\” .

<img src = \"https: // p3-sign.toutiaoimg.com/tos-cn-i-tjoges91tu/fd66d443884bc9cdb65649851412a3d5~tplv-tt-ori gin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=58558&from=article.pc_detail&lk3s=953192f4&x-expires=17384 63726# ”, this couplet has been circulating for thousands of years.

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To In the Song Dynasty, the peach charms were changed from peach boards to paper, which was called \”Spring stickers\”or \”Spring couplets\”

During the Ming Dynasty, the name of Spring Festival couplets was officially established and began. Popularized among the people, \”Posting Spring Festival couplets\” has gradually become one of the essential activities for Chinese people during the New Year

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Up Should the couplets be posted on the left or the right?

How to distinguish the upper and lower couplets?

According to tradition, Spring Festival couplets should be placed on New Year’s EvePosting Spring Festival couplets means bidding farewell to the old and welcoming the new.


Position selection

Spring couplets are usually posted on the door. Thesides</strong

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?


Distinguish between the upper and lower couplets

Many people get confused when posting Spring Festival couplets and don’t know how to distinguish the upper and lower couplets. In fact, there is a very simple one little method :Look at the tone of the last word

Generally speaking, the last word of the first couplet is oblique tone (the third and fourth tone). , the last one in the second line The word is Ping Tone (first tone, second tone), and one of the common tones is \”平廄平廄平平廄, 仄平仄平任仄平\”.

If divided If you don’t know what the oblique tone is, let’s keep it simple. The first couplet is usually read more “deep” and the second couplet is read more “rising”. This way, the upper and lower lines are pronounced. Join together Clearly. Of course, if it is a creative Spring Festival couplet, the reading may be different.


The traditional way of pasting is important.

When facing the door, the top couplet is pasted on the right and the bottom couplet is pasted on the left. This is because the traditional writing order of Spring Festival couplets is from right to left, horizontally. The text order is also from right to left.

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?

With the development of the times, people\’s writing habits now change from left to right. Horizontal comments are also mostly from left to rightWriting. Therefore, according to the text direction of the horizontal batch, you can also paste the top couplet on the left and the bottom couplet on the right.. Before you post the Spring Festival couplet this year, remember to check the order.

These Spring Festival couplets are too talented

Classic Spring Festival couplets in ancient books

In the sky, people have increased their lives, and the spring is full of blessings.

—— \”The No. 1 Test\” in the Ming Dynasty

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?

Hundreds of millions of people increased hundreds of millions of life, Taiping is worthy of Taipingchun.

——The Qing Dynasty Palace Yuzixuan Sui Baby Drama Painting

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?

Xiangyang\’s place is in spring first, and the family of Jishan is more than celebrating.

—— The Qing Dynasty\’s \”Daquan Daquan\”

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?

Chemical Edition Spring Council

Shanglian: AG Zn Na F Ga HF Mg

(Silver, zinc, sodium, fluoride, gallium, hafnium and magnesiumHomophony\”Welcoming the New Year and bringing happiness to the family and the beauty\”)

The second line: Re Sg Tc Au As Sc Ti

(Rhenium, Technetium, Arsenic, Scandium and Titanium is homophonic to \”Laixi De Jinshen Kangtai\”)

Horizontal batch: F cl CHO CHO

(chloroaldehyde means \”good fortune and good fortune\”)

Cartoon version of Spring Festival couplets

Will you read the Spring Festival couplet of \"Xingxingxingxing\"?



Can you guess what? ?

This Spring Festival

What Spring Festival couplets are you going to post at your home?

Editor: Wei Yuntong


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