Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \”white card\” that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Fang friends, the following small book

Everyone is familiar with it!

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

<p style =\" Text-Align: CENTER \"</p

All will use \”Outpatient Clinic Record Book\”


If Outpatient Clinic Medical Record Book Loss

or use it

How to make up ?

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Now, Xiaofang teaches you two things

A super convenient method

Be sure to bookmark it

Method 1

Replacing the outpatient and emergency medical records is actually very simple,Bring your ID card or social security card, go to the nearest community affairs acceptance service center and find a You can easily apply at the Netcom self-service terminal

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Choose to apply for outpatient and emergency medical records.

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

If you bring your ID card to apply, Select your ID card to log in.

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Insert ID card into the plug-in port for face recognition and authentication. -IMAGE/CF083E13C25F42eda6ccfedc814C8DA2 ~ TPLV-Origin-Web: G IF.JPEG? Res = 1738379366 & X-Signature = lckh4hrfbMBDJJQwwu6iuj0husu%3d \”/>

Click the \”Change the New\” button

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

In this way, the self-service recording of the outpatient medical treatment is completed. Origin-Web: gif.jpeg? _iz = 58558 & from = Article.pc_detail & LK3S = 9 NUSXA344%3D \”/>

Fang Ji Xin\’s outpatient medical treatment book was obtained, which is very convenient and fast.

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Text- align: center \”> If the workshop is not in a hurry to use

but do not want to go out to handle

then, you can choose

Apply for operations on mobile phones Replace

new outpatient medical records

Will Express to your home oh!

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Method 2

Open the Suibi Citizen Cloud APP and search for \”outpatient and emergency medical treatment\” Record Book\”.

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Choose the application and reissue of outpatient and emergency medical records for employment insurance, home insurance, and medical insurance, and select the reason for the replacement.

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Click the next step. There are two two ways to receive, one is to the community to the community If you can pick it up by yourself, you can also choose express logistics, fill in logistics information, and send it directly to your home. /pgc-image/a68e0bc0d37489B86A962C54F3E3CFF~TPLV- origin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=58558&FROM=RTIC_DETAILK3S=953192F4&X-EXPI res = 1738379366 & X-Signature = E%2BGNHVAMLN5FT2QTTXWGLBIKZD0%3d \”/>

One network-pass terminal on the buffet office


Is it convenient? B40C ~ TPLV-TT-Origin-Web: GIF.JPEG? _IZ = 58558 & FROM = Article.pc_detai L & LK3S = 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738379366 & X-Signature = M4D3UQOU3JBBBBBBB Wqtrler39k%2F7bkbi%3d \”/>

More functions in \”With Application\” Tips

You can follow the program \”People\’s Livelihood Network\”

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Open your mobile phone now

You can contribute to \”people\’s livelihood\” \”One Netcom\” provides news clues!

\”News Square+\”Mini program homepage

Just Can see C-position debut

(Click long and press the two-dimensional code to identify ↓)

Xiaofang teaches you to apply for application | This \"white card\" that is indispensable for seeing a doctor, these must be known for these →

Construction noise, rainy stagnation,

bicycle placement, transportation Order,

epidemic prevention measures, work efficiency …

If you want to make suggestions for urban operations

Strong> Click to enter \”Minsheng Yicong\”

You can communicate and ask questions!

img src = \”https://p3-sign.toutiaoimg.c.c.cOM/PGC-IMAGE/029603EB212F42ECB7BCEDC6B59F6505 ~ TPLV-Origin-Web: GIF.JPEG? _IZ = 58558 & From = Article.pc_detail & LK3S = 953192F4 & & & X-EXPIRES = 1738379366 & X-Signature = FQXVGWKDIY55GJOOYGJ02Q9SW%2FG%3d \”/>

How to get medical insurance electronic vouchers?


You favorite

What doubts have you been in the process of use?

Click to enter\” Minsheng Yilian \”

You can share it for help! Toutiaoimg.com/pgc- Image/7834e0c411e44D3FA530C9669090E67~tplv- origin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=article.pc_detail&LKK3S= 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738379366&x-signature=LS14ZF4v4G9nn7aS8bbLDPD2Lf4%3D\”/>



Reporter: Chen Beier

Edit: Jin Yingying, Li 18 (Xue)


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