5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\”Lift\” into place, easily open, a movable city wall

After living in the city for a long time, people are more eager to have a private balcony space to relax. The balcony, as the place closest to nature at home, is where we enjoy the natural atmosphere and relax. As a balcony connected to other spaces, we can install a high-quality sliding door on the balcony. Installing partition sliding doors on the balcony not only facilitates space division and utilization, but also provides transparent lighting, reduces noise, blocks dust, provides thermal insulation, and protects against wind and rain. Safety and privacy can also be guaranteed.

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Xinshengyuan 5276 broken bridge lifting sliding door perfects large screen, aesthetics, function, performance, etc. The combination brings better visual effects and visual impact, fully satisfies the high-grade home decoration space, and allows you to enjoy an unbounded space and a large vision. Let’s talk about the six major features of the 5276 broken bridge lifting sliding door. Advantages.

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Flexible movement

Lifting the sliding door system utilizes the leverUsing the principle of pole theory, by gently turning the handle, the lifting and lowering of the door leaf is controlled. A single leaf can be made 3 meters wide, and the 500KG push and pull is light and smooth, making it easy to open and fix the door leaf.

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Gewu Hardware

Parts imported from Germany, with a service life of 200,000 times, and a standard four-point precision cast steel locking point, which is more sturdy and durable, and says goodbye to the after-sales problems of heavy sliding door locks coming off, falling off, and breaking

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Broken bridge structure

The two-color design of the multi-cavity broken bridge structure not only meets the requirements of the property, but also allows for private customization. It has thermal insulation and energy saving, good sound insulation effect, and stronger wind pressure resistance. The wall thickness of the fan frame is 2.5mm, and the wall thickness of the door frame is 1.8mm

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Dust-proof and noise-reduction

Industry innovation, 8MM large tops are used under the door leaf to improve the dust-proof and windproof effect and solve the problem The copper strips of heavy-duty sliding doors play a role in retaining water

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Corner craft

45 degree angle, using high-precision cutting machine imported from Germany, precise cutting, smooth splicing, connectionTightened, stronger integrity

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Insulated glass

Standard configuration of 5+20A+5 double-layer insulating tempered glass, highly soundproof, thermal insulation and energy-saving

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Product parameters:

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Product details:

5276 Broken Bridge Lifting Sliding Door丨\"Lift\" into place, easily open, a movable city wall

Xinshengyuan 5276 lifting sliding door

Outside the house, Low-key and calm, the interior of the house is warm and elegant

Extraordinary style, ever-changing combinations, and infinite scenery. Inside and outside the door, it forms a landscape of its own

Explore a better realm and enjoy quality living. Xinshengyuan doors and windows use high-quality system doors and windows to construct simple and comfortable safety barriers, creating unlimited possibilities for buildings and living spaces


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