Previous 2023年10月10日
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The toilet door cannot face the main door, the room door, the bed, or…
Most people will think about this pattern: Very! No! good! After all, it is a bathroom. There is odor, moisture, and moisture in it, but it will make people feel uncomfortable in t…
去年我在合肥買的房子,今天終於要開始裝修瞭。本來是件值得高興的事,但是衛生間正對入戶門這種戶型讓我很心煩:開門就能見廁所,尷尬極瞭。最後我問瞭設計師怎麼設計好,她建議把衛生間做成谷倉門,可以擋住衛生間,設計師的想法真的超贊! 設計師告訴我,衛生間門做谷倉門,門的顏色和墻體一致,有整體感。隱蔽效果好,還能提升傢裡的顏值。我傢衛生間也要采用這種設計,我以後就不用…
什么是谷仓门?谷仓门的主要特点就是安装简单,节省空间,具有一定的封闭性,有很强的装饰性和可塑性;但是谷仓门在设计上也是有很多缺点的,下面九江装修网的小编给大家讲讲什么是谷仓门?谷仓门的优缺点以及室内不同空间谷仓门的设计;快来了解了解吧! 什么是谷仓门 谷仓门是推拉门的一种,以前是在国外常见的一种仓库门,后来人们加以创新和改造,将其用在室内装饰设计中,充分运用…
I\’ve been here for two years and suffered a lot. If I knew it would be looked down upon, I might as well not have installed the door in the first place!
As an important existence that coexists with practicality and decoration in indoor space, the role of doors can be said to be huge. A disharmonious door may break the original deco…