Still confused? Here are the correct steps for beginners in decorating to start construction

For Xiaobai, who is involved in the field of decoration for the first time, decoration is by no means simply transformation of houses. It is also an important project related to the improvement of quality of life. A proper decoration home can bring us a comfortable, convenient and pleasant living experience. However, the decoration process is often complicated and full of unknown and challenges. Clear construction steps are the key to creating the ideal home. Following the correct steps, the decoration will be smoother.

I. Preparation:

Determine the decoration style, browse the case, refer to friends\’ home, and set the tone for home. At the same time, do a good job of budget planning, clarify the upper limit of various expenses, and prevent overruns. In addition, choosing a reliable decoration company or a construction team is extremely important. By viewing past cases and customer evaluations, the quality of construction is guaranteed.

Still confused? Here are the correct steps for beginners in decorating to start construction

Second, main construction:

Disassembly and reconstruction (if necessary), unnecessary walls are demolished according to the design plan, but the load-bearing structure is strictly prohibited. As the core of the hidden project, hydropower engineering must plan the direction of the line. After installing the pipeline, it is necessary to perform the suppression test and circuit test. The waterproof treatment of the bathroom, kitchen, balcony and other areas cannot be ignored. After the grassroots treatment, the waterproof coatings are painted for 2 to 3 times, and the closed water test is not less than 48 hours. In the mud tile engineering, the wall of the mud should ensure vertical and flat, and pay attention to typesetting and empty drums. Woodworking builds cabinets and ceilings must be constructed according to the figure, focusing on details. The paint engineering is treated with the base layer of the wall surface, and the putty is scraped 2 to 3 times.

Third, the end of the end:

Installing doors and windows should ensure smooth sealing and open and closing, lamps, switch socket positions need Reasonable. After cleaning and removing stains in the whole house, soft furnishings are carried out, furniture, decorative paintings, green plants, etc. are placed to create a warm atmosphere for the new home.

All links of the decoration constructionIt is closely connected, and the decoration Xiaobai can be promoted in steps to create a satisfactory home.


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