The teaching steps seem to be the same, but why are there differences!


{ Xiyue Study Club}

The teaching steps seem to be the same, but why are there differences!

Parent Questions:

Question:Teacher, my steps seem to be the same as yours, but why can’t I see much progress?

Answer: This is a question raised by some parents who just read the content of the official account. For these parents, I can only say that the content of the official account only presents the results and some superficial methods, but in the actual operation process, there are many detailed adjustments, and these details are the key to success or failure.

For the children I have taken care of, I rarely ask about their grades. If I don’t ask about their grades, how can I know their level?

Here, some parents will take the initiative to give me feedback; but there are still In part, in fact, during the class process, based on the children\’s learning situation, what is their level? I know very well what score I can get.

In this exam, a child made a big surprise.

Her mother told me that she scored 47 points in the math test. I asked her mother if it was 97 points, but I misheard it and heard it was 47 points.

Then her mother told me that it was 47 points.

At that time, I asked her mother: Could it be that she fell asleep during the exam?

When her mother was still struggling and said that she might not be serious about reviewing the questions, I said that she must have left it short, and it was definitely not the only score that she had written in.

The teaching steps seem to be the same, but why are there differences!

The actual level of this child is not as good as mathematics. Let’s not say too much, there is absolutely no problem with 90+

If there is a deviation, it will definitely be a large piece of white paper.

When her mother communicated with the teacher later, she indeed wrote part of the question, and left the rest blank; and the teacher also said that the accuracy rate of the written part was still very high.

Therefore, if you have such a child, in addition to the content shared in my article, the operation must be fine-tuned according to the child\’s situation.

And each child’s plan is different

Therefore, even if every child is doing intensive reading, even if they are using the same material, in terms of the reading method, the order, and the progress The level of difficulty is also different.

Therefore, I rarely recommend books on the official account. The materials I use for this child may not be suitable for another child.

For learning, it is not a single factor that plays a role, nor a single method that plays a role, at least in my case.

The teaching steps seem to be the same, but why are there differences!

Therefore,If there is no effect, it probably means that the method is not in place, or the duration is not long enough.


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