Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

In Tao Ranting Park, there is an ancient temple that has a history of more than 700 years -compassion. More than 100 years ago, this ancient temple was the secret base of the Chinese Communist Party of China. Both people and pioneers have carried out revolutionary activities here.

On June 1 this year, after about one year of maintenance, compassion officially made an appointment to the public. Visitors can understand the red genes of compassion from cultural relics, exhibits, and old photos.

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Dragon Boat Festival holiday, many tourists enter this red relic to pursue compassion. Red memory of love.

The 700 years of ancient temples were selected as the secret location of the revolutionary activity

Entering the park from the south gate of Tao Ranting Park, walking along the green shore green park Nanhu Crossing the bridge, on the high platform of the Central Island, there is a group of antique buildings. This is the compassion built in the Yuan Dynasty. Tao Ranting Park\’s most famous Tao Ranting is located in the compassion. Historically, compassion is a place where literati and Kwai Ke gathered in chanting, leaving many poems that have been chanted for a while. In modern times, it has become the place of early Beijing revolutionary activities in the Chinese Communist Party.

Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

Why choose compassion as a place of activity? This will start with Li Dazhao.

According to historical records, at that time, Li Dazhao chose a secret work place for the early establishment of the Chinese Communist Party of China. After analyzing all aspects, he set his sights on Tao Ranting. At that time, Tao Ranting was remote and there were many graves nearby. If the above graves were covered,It is not easy to cause doubt.

Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

In the summer of 1921, the wife of Chen Yu, a member of the youth Chinese Society, was buried in Tao Ranting. Li Dazhao asked Chen Yusheng to lease two southern houses in the compassion in the name of the tomb. Here, a secret base of the Beijing Party Organization of the Communist Party of China was established here. From 1921 to 1923, Li Dazhao, Deng Zhongxia, and Gao Junyu all carried out secret revolutionary activities in compassion.

Centennial red relics record red story

\”You see, this photo is exactly the same as the scene behind.\” The 10 -year -old daughter looked at the old photo under the big tree in front of the door for a long time. After a while, I looked at the photos and looked at the mountain gate again. \”Is this Chairman Mao?\” The daughter asked a young man in the black and white photo to ask his mother.

Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

The girl said yes, that is Mao Zedong. On January 18, 1920, Mao Zedong and Luo Zhanglong, Deng Zhongxia, and members of the Fu Renxue Society in Beijing came to compassion together to discuss the struggle to expel Hunan warlord Zhang Jingyao, and left this group photo under the ancient locust outside the mountain gate. This It is also one of the few precious photos left by young Mao Zedong in Beijing.

Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

This precious history related to Comrade Mao Zedong is introduced in the special exhibition of the\” pioneer struggle -the compassionate party\’s early revolutionary activity \”of the compassion. There are many precious historical materials related to Mao Zedong, such as a group photo of the young Mao Zedong and his mother and brother, and a group photo with the students of the First Normal School of Hunan Province. .

<img src = \"https://p3-sign.toutiaoimg.com/pgc-saccxiq2gvfjpo~TPLV- origin-web:gif. c_detail & lk3s = 953192F4 & X- Expires = 1738457728 & X-Signature = 9evun7o4SCVEBXZUHOBGPFGZLOA%3D \"/

At that time, the warlord Zhang Jingyao made a lot of evils during the time of the Governor of Hunan. Press . On December 18, 1919, Mao Zedong led the Beijing -Driven delegation to Beijing. During the driven movement in Beijing, Mao Zedong organized the Civilian News Agency and served as the president. The party discusses the problem of driving, carry out progressive activities such as petitions, and leaves the precious black and white photo standing in front of the gate of compassion. The form of group photo walls is concentrated in the early Communists who carried out revolutionary activities in Tao Ranting. > The original scene of the original view of the original fixed history

In order to allow tourists to truly feel the red story that happened more than 100 years ago, the park is working hard When entering the compassion, the northern part of the palace is on the front of the scene. People hold the meeting here. -sign.toutiaoimg.com/pgc- Image/saccxjcaugwss~tplv- origin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=5858&FROM=Article.pc_detail&lk3s=953192f4&x-expires=1738457728&x-signature=HkD0VRU613nRe7dUnBBM8bBwE60%3D\”/ >

In early 1920, in order to rescue students arrested for resisting Japanese goods, Zhou Enlai and others were arrested by the Police Department in Tianjin. After being released from prison, Zhou Enlai repeatedly reflected and proposed that all societies should unite to take joint action. On the morning of the same day, Li Dazhao led the More than 20 representatives from the Beijing Youth China Society and the Tianjin Awakening Society led by Zhou Enlai, as well as the Work-Study Mutual Aid Group, the Shuguang Society, and the Humanitarian Society, held a tea party in the North Side Hall to discuss issues such as the direction of the national salvation movement.

Two days later, the five groups represented Representatives gathered at the Communications Library of Peking University to discuss and adopt the \”Joint Declaration on Transformation\” and the \”Joint Charter on Transformation\”. This meeting issued a call for \”unity and unity\” to \”transform the old China\”, which promoted the spread of Marxism and promoted the revolution. Career development

Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

\”We sought the opinions of cultural relic experts and based on this photo, restored the original appearance of this conference room. \”Hao Gangyun, chief of the infrastructure section of Taoranting Park Management Office, led reporters into the North Wing Hall, holding an old photo of the \”Five Groups Meeting\” taken on August 16, 1920. Compared with this old photo, this room The old site has almost restored the original appearance of the building in the photo. “It used to be a suspended ceiling, and we restored it to a gabled wooden structure roof based on the photo. The windows have also been replaced with the support windows of the time, trying to restore them to their original appearance. ”

In order to restore the group photo of Comrade Mao Zedong and his colleagues in the auxiliary society in front of the mountain gate of Mercy Temple, the park also restored the mountain gate and the annex room to their original state. Hao Gangyun said that the door of the annex room was previously equipped with wrought iron railings. During the maintenance process, modifications were made based on this photo, and the wrought iron gate was removed and replaced with the Aquarius Gate. “We tried to restore it as authentically as possible so that visitors can experience the original historical appearance of the old site. \”Hao Gangyun said.

Enter Mercy Nunnery and experience the turbulent years through time and space

Time flies, years pass Rusuo. As a witness to the glorious history of the Communist Party of China, Mercy Temple tells the story of its turbulent years and explains the original intention and mission of the Communists.

Visiting Guide

Compassion Visiting time of the nunnery:

(1) Peak season (April 1st – October 31st): Open at 8:00, stop entering at 17:30, close at 18:00.

(2) Off-season (November 1st – March 31st): 8:3 Opens at 0, stops entering at 17:00, closes at 17:30

(Wednesday) Closed on Mondays throughout the year (except legal holidays)

Reservation method:

(1) Tourists (including policy free tourists) must arrive in advance


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