Do n’t find the locksmith when the door is locked, only one coin, quickly open it in one second, it ’s really amazing

The most troublesome thing at home is that everyone in the family is outside in a hurry to find a locksmith, and only the person who is locked out is confused inside.

In order to solve this problem, start with the bathroom:

The bathroom is a very private place, so the door generally does not have a key. Many people’s bathroom doors They are often the ones without keyholes.

However, one very inhumane aspect of this kind of door is that the lock of this kind of door is also very easy to lock yourself out, especially for children, who use too much force or forget to lock themselves. Will soon lock himself out.

Generally speaking, after the bathroom door is locked, there are two ways to open the door. One is to find a professional to help you unlock the door, and the other is to destroy the door. This is the method chosen by most people. Usually the second method is used, but in this case, their bathroom door will be damaged by exercise, so some people choose the first method, but it will cost hundreds of dollars to find a locksmith.

So is there any way to open the locked bathroom door without damaging the door or paying any fees?

Do n’t find the locksmith when the door is locked, only one coin, quickly open it in one second, it ’s really amazing

Can open a locked bathroom door with a coin.

Have you noticed that no matter which bathroom door there is a It has a rectangular card slot. In fact, the function of this card slot is to make it easier for people to open the lock after it is locked. Therefore, it provides a channel specifically for unlocking the lock that allows keys and opening tools to enter and exit. Therefore, it does not mean that only keys can enter. , without looking crowded.

So people take advantage of this. After discovering that the waterproof device can be easily opened with only a coin when unlocking the lock, everyone feels that this has caused distress to many families. The bathroom lock problem disappeared instantly. People thought this good method was worth sharing with more people, so they forced it to work within a short period of time.Coins locking is popular.

So what does the coin unlocking method look like?

In fact, this method is very simple, because the width of the card slot can just put one coin in The coin is thrown into the card slot, and then a certain movement can open the lock.

So what kind of action is needed?

In fact, it is very simple, just two words: rotation!

You only need to insert the coin into the card slot Below, there is a certain friction between the coins and the card slot. While turning the coin while turning, you can hear the \”click–\”, and then you can easily push the door into the door.

Of course, in fact, many other things can replace coins instead of coins. It is used to unlock, such as the metal piece on the charger plug. These things have a characteristic that they are thin and have a certain hardness. These characteristics are a great condition for rubbing metal and metal.

So people think that as long as they have a certain thick and harder metal, they can use them to lock.

Avoid the toilet design of the locked.

Although the hospital\’s unlocking method has been popular for a long time, there are still many families who do n’t know because they did n’t hear this matter in advance. A \”scar\”, but if someone in the family told you how to unlock after the toilet is locked, will this incident not happen?

So I can always remember it for everyone, so I can remember it at all times. I still decided to write this again.

In fact, the problem of locking in the family\’s bathroom is also a very common problem, and not only the children will suddenly forget whether they are reversed, so they lock themselves. Many adults will also occur, and such incidents run through people\’s holidays every year.

Then there is no way to avoid this incident without having trouble. Do you cause unnecessary interference to the family?

Rather than saying that people have adopted different ways to do this kind of thing. Two roads.

Do n’t find the locksmith when the door is locked, only one coin, quickly open it in one second, it ’s really amazing

The first path is to change the door design of the bathroom. For example, in order to be more simple and save trouble, some people will change the door to that kind of unlocking automatic unlocking. People on the second road feel troublesome. Contrary to the first path, it draws on the technology of the first path, but it is not suitable for the bathroom. It is believed that the bathroom itself should be a place that can make people more at ease and relax. Diring yourself

But in order to get more people\’s support, this road will never be opened on the basis of accidental opening up. P>

But as we all know, some technologies are not allowed to be used in some places. For example, special occasions such as hospitals are not allowed, and in order to push, people think that bathrooms are also unable to calm down the second road.


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