Xiaomi SU7 upgrades the electric door, plus several practical items, for only 10,000 yuan

說說小米蘇 7 的升級方案!

Xiaomi SU7 upgrades the electric door, plus several practical items, for only 10,000 yuan

1. 今天帶大傢來看一In Taimi Misu 7, the owner got us here to upgrade the invisible car jacket, window film, and foot pad soft bag. The electric suction doors of the electric motor cover and the four doors are non -destructive installation. It must not destroy the original car line, and it is controlled on the screen, which is very convenient.

2. The first soft mill pad that this car was upgraded first is black Napa Pippi, and it is double-layer for more than 1,000 yuan. The window film is very important because Xiaomi Su 7 is the same as Tesla, and the insulation is very important. The top of the top is the best metal film with the insulation effect. The front, the rear gear and the side gear are the best ceramic membrane with ultraviolet effects. This set of film is more than 1,000 yuan.

Xiaomi SU7 upgrades the electric door, plus several practical items, for only 10,000 yuan

3. Tie clothes and customers post It is the mainstream 8 Mill\’s thick car jacket on the market. The five sides are not yellowed and glue, and it is guaranteed to be torn off perfectly after five years.

4. The upgrade scheme of Xiaomi Su 7 is just these. I recommend it very much and I recommend upgrading these.Project, a total of 10,000 yuan. If you have the need to modify or consult, comment on a message below the video or make a private message with me, and I will make a practical upgrade solution for you.


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