A mobile \”life-saving tool\”! More than 500 buses in Guangzhou have been equipped with AEDs

There are also AEDs on the bus!

Recently, the reporter learned at the event site that

At present, there are more than 500 bus in Guangzhou

Rescue device.

More than 20 bus lines, 500 bus

AED devices have been installed

On January 20, 2025, Guangzhou Crimination Medical Command Center joined forces The departments organized the national emergency day initiative with the theme of \”caring for life and rescued by it\” and public welfare activities of 120 emergency class. Equipped with an automatic vitrrifier (AED) bus AED emergency car has become the focus of everyone\’s attention.

<img src = \"https://p3-sign.toutiaoimg.com/tos-cn- -XeguPay5k/aca7cb5FF2A8089B894701D2221b90~tplv- origin-web:gif.jpeg? _iz = 58558 & from = article.pc_detail & lk3s = 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738374227 & X-Signature = OWUPJQMTCMVJCOD%2FD718FK0%3D \"/

Guangzhou Bus Group Co., Ltd. Over 1,300 buses Drivers all have emergency rescue skills through training, and can provide passengers with rescue services in emergencies. Each bus equipped with AED devices is displayed in the body on the body, which is convenient for citizens to understand the deployment of emergency equipment on the vehicle.

<img src = \"https://p3-sign.toutiaoimg.com/tos-cn- I-TJOGES91TU/E808584F1067F1F9DC3E5F27E5F27BC6~ TPLV- Origin-web:gif.jpeg? _iz = 58558 & from = article.pc_detail & lk3s = 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738374227 & X-Signature = 00VBL2GCXNRJTFUD%2FJXATY%3D \"/

\” These buses are moving AEDs. May Help Busy. \”Guangzhou Bus Group staff introduced to reporters.

It is reported that since the launch of the Guangzhou Bus AED Guardian Protection Plan Public Welfare Project in September last year, thanks to the spontaneous donation of enterprises and citizens, 500 buses have been installed on AED in just a few months, and connected to the connection, connectedIt will increase again one after another. Citizens can pass


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