For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

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For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

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For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.


Can you imagine, after decoration, the final What surprised you was the \”door\”? I used to think that the door is just a tool for opening and closing, nothing special.

Until the second decoration,I decided I insisted on replacing ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. After half a year, the results completely changed my mind!

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

After checking in, that quiet feeling, I simply fell in love with this home! You may be curious, what is so magical aboutsilent doors? Is it really that effective?

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

Saving money but not worry

I made a wrong decision when I was decorating a new house.This lesson taught meIt cost two years.

I remember shopping in the building materials market for three full days. The prices of various wooden doors ranged from a few hundred to tens of thousands.

My husband likes a model with moisture-proof The solid wood composite door of the first floor is of fine workmanship and the hardware is also of imported brands.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

But the price is really not cheap, one door costs more than 3,000.

I dragged her to a small shop at the end of the market, pointed at the wooden door priced at 780 and said:\”Look, the same style, all made of solid wood, why do you have to spend so much more?\”The salesperson also nodded vigorously and said that their doors are made of solid materials. , cost-effective.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

Although my husband was hesitant,I was finally convinced.

With 12 doors, we saved nearly 30,000 yuan.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

On the day the decoration was completed, I also Posting the order in the circle of friends,smugly calculating that the money saved would be enough to buy a large refrigerator.

Who would have thought that this province would end up with countless days and nights tortured by noise.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The cost of saving money on decoration

Life in the past two years has been like living in a house without soundproofing In the large courtyard.

The daughter next door practices pianoThe music, the shouts of watching the football game in the living room, the laughter of children chasing and playing in the corridor, everything can be clearly heard in the bedroom.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The most maddening thing is going to the toilet late at night and then doing it lightly Opening and closing the door,the harsh creaking sound seemed to wake up everyone in the building.

The fit between the door gap and the door frame is getting worse and worse. When closing the door, you have to lift it up hard to align the door lock, and there is a loud bang. The sound shook the decorative paintings on the wall.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

Every weekend you can see maintenance workers carrying tool boxes back and forth.

Replace door locks, reinforce hinges, adjust door frames,A lot of money was spent on repairs, but the door still looks the same.

The air leaks from the door cracks in winter, the door panels become moldy in summer, and there is mold on the floor of the home.A fine layer of dust can always be swept out.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

My mother-in-law often complained that this didn’t feel like a home, but more like a camping tent. ,All the sounds outside were absorbed.

After two years, the maintenance fee alone has cost less than 10,000. If I had just bought a good door, why would I have to suffer this fate.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

Quality of life with silent doors

I didn’t dare to take any chances with my second decoration, so Iput all my attention on selecting high-quality silent doors.

Find several owner groups to learn from their experience, visited several stores, studied the door core structure, tested the switch experience, sound insulation effect, and compared more than a dozen brands Then I made up my mind.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The new silent door has brought us surprises in every aspect.

Thick door panel with magnetic door lock,The switch can be put into place with just a push, and there is no more annoying squeaking sound.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The special sandwich design attenuates the noise by several decibels, even the door gap Everything has been done to perfection.

I remember that the whole family slept very soundly the first night after installation.

My mother, who was always woken up by various noises in the past, said, This was the most solid sleep I had in recent years.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The children are also much more focused on their homework and will no longer be distracted by outside noises.

Watching several movies in a row, there is no need to turn down the volume so as not to disturb others.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

This door is like installing a layer of sound insulation in every room Barriers allow us to truly understand what private space is.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

Purchasing experience

I learned a lot from the process of selecting silent doors

Set your budget at the mid- to high-end level from the beginning, because cheap products simply cannot achieve a truly silent effect

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The thickness of the door leaf is the first factor to be considered. The common 35 on the market mm thickness can only achieve basic sound insulation, but 45 mm thickened door panels can increase the sound insulation effect by more than 30%.

The sealing system is a top priority. Imported magnetic sealing strips are used on three sides,The special lifting dust-proof strip at the bottom can automatically adjust the height and perfectly fit the ground.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The door core material selection is also very particular. Although ordinary honeycomb paper is light, its sound insulation effect is average. The solid board is too heavy and affects daily use. In the end, a new type of graphite homogeneous board was selected, which not only ensures the sound insulation performance but is not too loud. Heavy.

The installation process is even more meticulous, from the fixing of the door frame to the debugging of the hinges, every step is repeatedly confirmed

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.

The master said that he has been doing this for more than 20 years This is the first time I have encountered such a strict owner

A decibel meter was specially brought during the acceptance inspection. After closing the door, the noise of 70 decibels from outside was only 30 decibels. This effect made our whole family very satisfied.

For the second renovation, I insisted on replacing the ordinary wooden doors with silent doors. It was so great after half a year of moving in.


After experiencing the lessons and gains of two renovations, I understand that saving money is not the only criterion for renovation.Reasonable investment can bring a long-term comfortable experience.

Choosing a silent door is not only a good choice Investment in your own quality of life is also responsible for the health of your whole family.

Although this experience is hard-won, it can help more people avoid decoration traps and make their homes more welcoming.

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