When sleeping, do you close the \”bedroom door\”? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

On the topic of whether to close the door when sleeping at night, everyone has different answers. Some people feel that it is safer to close the door when sleeping, and other people in the family will not be affected when walking around in the living room.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

Some people think that the door should be opened when sleeping. For example, I think that the air can circulate when sleeping with the door open, otherwise it will be more stuffy and difficult to sleep. Good sleep. So when we sleep, is it better to close the door or open the door?

It turns out that many people don’t know what’s going on. It turns out that this is not a superstition or a living habit, but has a scientific basis.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

When I thought that sleeping with the door open is the correct answer, it turns out that sleeping with the door closed is the correct answer. That’s why, let’s take a look.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

01Sleep with the door closed and feel more at ease

The reason why I feel uncomfortable sleeping with the door closed is that I am afraid that if someone comes in, I won’t be able to hear it. But if a thief comes in, it may be too late to close the door after I find out.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

So the advantage of closing the door is that if someone comes into the home, the closed door gives you an extra line of defense. . It’s still possible to lock the door in time and call the police.

You have to say that this situation is not so easy to happen after all, but for people who do not have a very graceful sleeping posture. , closing the door will not reveal your privacy.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

The bedroom is, after all, a relatively private environment. We wear very little when sleeping. If we leave the door open and our sleeping posture is not elegant, it would be a bit embarrassing to be seen by family members walking back and forth.

When you wake up, you will receive a series of comments. Therefore, sleeping with the door closed not only improves the safety index, but also does not \”leak\” privacy.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

02It’s warmer to sleep with the door closed

In the cold winter, a warm bedroom can help us improve our sleep quality Quality. But in the second half of the night, the heating is not perfect, and the room often feels cold when sleeping, and I even wake up from the cold.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

After closing the door, the air does not circulate well, and the heat in the first half of the night cannot escape in the middle of the night. The temperature is improved. The warm bedroom will not wake up from the cold, and it is very comfortable to sleep.

It is enough, not only cool but also saves electricity.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

03Closing the door can also isolate the noise

If you are a light sleeper, if someone else makes trouble at home I woke up at the slightest movement and couldn\’t sleep well at all.

After all, everyone’s living habits are different. Some people may go to bed very late at night. Sometimes they even have to go to the kitchen to cook something before eating, or they need to get up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. ,

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

Or need to get up super early. In short, for people who sleep very lightly, it will cause interference and the noise generated It may also wake you up in your sleep,

If you have a bad heart, you will feel very uncomfortable when you wake up. If this happens, you can close the bedroom door to block the noise. What are you doing? Just sleep in your own way and not disturb each other. This way, you can sleep more soundly and more peacefully, and your family won’t have to worry about disturbing each other. You, being so tiptoe affects your actions.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

04Sleep with the door closed, you might be able to save your life at a critical moment

Sleep with the bedroom door closed, There is also a function that can prevent fire. Maybe you will.Think this rarely happens, but this approach can save your life in a pinch.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

After fire experiments, it was found that if there is a fire at home, closing the door can effectively block the flames and dense smoke outside. Smoke spreads into your room, giving the occupants more time to escape.

If you don\’t close the door, billowing smoke and fire will pour into your room when you sleep, leaving you no time to buy and endangering your life. life.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

There is a real case on the Internet. It is about a fire that suddenly broke out in a resident\’s home while sleeping at night. Fortunately, the door was closed before going to bed. Even if there was a fire, the smoke did not flow into the room, which extended the rescue time for the people in the room. In the end, the family was safely rescued.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.

It seems like a simple action of sleeping with the door closed, but at a critical moment, I didn’t expect that it can really save my life. Therefore, people who are confused about whether it is better to sleep with the door closed or with the door open have their own thoughts. Answer.

Some people also ask, what should I do if the air in the bedroom is not circulated when the door is closed and the air in the bedroom is not fresh? With the windows open for ventilation, you don’t have to worry about air quality when you sleep at night.

When sleeping, do you close the \"bedroom door\"? Many people make mistakes. It’s not superstition, it’s based on science.


Whether you sleep with the door closed may seem like a small thing, but it hides a lot of knowledge. Sleeping with the door closed allows you to sleep well, and the key is to save lives. Have you learned it?


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