What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill

In the process of our home decoration, do you feel confused when purchasing wooden doors? Or confused? If you choose a custom door, although the overall effect feels better, its overall price is also relatively high. Of course, some people will choose to ask a carpenter to do it themselves, but the effect is not detailed enough.

What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill

For middle-class consumer buyers, molded doors are a good choice. Molded doors can not only adapt to a variety of decoration styles, but also have exquisite and delicate shapes and are overall beautiful and elegant. What are the features of molded doors that attract consumers? Let’s take a look at them today.

1. What is a molded door?

As the name suggests, molded doors are pressed with pressed door panels. The production process of molded doors is to use wood from artificial forests, which is peeled, sliced, screened, and ground into dry fibers, and then mixed with phenolic glue as an adhesive and paraffin, Molded in one step under high temperature and high pressure.

What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill

Molded doors are also plywood doors. The panels of the molded doors are made of high-density fiber molded door panels. The panels are veneered with wood and painted with varnish, which maintains the decorative effect of the natural texture of the wood. At the same time, it can also be paneled, which is both beautiful, stylish, economical and practical.

2. What are the advantages of molded doors?

Molded doors are often used as indoor set doors. They are made of wood fiber and formed at high temperatures, so they are stable in quality and environmentally friendly. Molded doors are generally produced mechanized, and are much more cost-effective than solid wood doors. Suitable for quality and economical choice.

What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill

In terms of styling design, molded doors can be designed with concave and convex patterns of different shapes. Of course, molded doors also have flat designs. , Most of the flat molded door designs maintain the original natural texture of the wood, and the original material of the door panels shows a unique decorative effect.

What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill
Molded doors have more advantages than solid wood doors in terms of moisture resistance, expansion, and deformation resistance, and they are not prone to cracks, oxidation, and discoloration after long-term use. The original color of the molded door is generally a neutral white primer. According to the different home decoration styles we choose, we can add the color our consumers like on the basis of the primer to better meet the individual needs of consumers.

What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill

3. What are the disadvantages of molded doors?

The molded door cannot be in contact with or near high-temperature objects for a long time, otherwise It is easy to cause deformation and discoloration. Molded doors are usually made from two pieces of wood. Most of the door panels are hollow, and the sound insulation effect is slightly lower than that of solid wood doors.

What is a molded door? What are the pros and cons? Let consumers pay the bill
No matter what material we choose for the door set, we can purchase it based on our budget, desired quality, and functional effects.

Follow the collection and share it with you in the next issue More knowledge about doors and windows~


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