What material is the molded door made of? Sharing the advantages and disadvantages of molded door panels

There are many door materials, but the materials of indoor doors and outdoor doors are different. Today, what we want to learn about is molded doors. I believe many people are not familiar with molded doors. Next, Zhuoyiwang will share with you What material the molded door is made of, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the molded door panel.

What material is the molded door made of?

What material is the molded door made of? Sharing the advantages and disadvantages of molded door panels

The molded door panel is made from wood taken from artificial forests, which is peeled, sliced, screened, ground into dry fibers, mixed with phenolic glue as a binder and After paraffin waxing and molding under high temperature and pressure, it is a high-density fiberboard with a foot pattern.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Molded Doors

What material is the molded door made of? Sharing the advantages and disadvantages of molded door panels


1. Green and environmentally friendly: Phenolic is used as an adhesive in the production process of molded door panels and does not contain Free formaldehyde, which is harmful to the human body, provides safety guarantee for the living environment and human health.

2. Stable quality: Compared with natural wood, molded door panels have the characteristics of tight texture, no cracking, not easy to deform, and can prevent expansion, contraction and warping.

3. Diverse functions: Doors can be divided into single doors, glass doors, shutter doors, sliding doors, folding doors, double doors and double doors. In addition, different levels of anti-theft, fireproof doors and soundproof doors can also be produced according to national standards.

4. Remarkable effect: The surface of the door panel has a delicate and natural wood texture. No matter it is coated with oil or surface paint, the wood texture is still clear and full of wood feeling.


1. Molded door cabinetsDo not keep it in contact with or near high temperature objects for a long time, otherwise it will be easily deformed.

2. Molded door panels will change color due to high temperatures, and their fire resistance is poor. Therefore, direct sunlight should be avoided during use.

3. The molded door is made of two high-density fiberboard door panels with shapes and simulated wood grains. The formaldehyde contained in the fiberboard of the inferior molded board will be relatively high. High, so everyone must observe carefully when choosing molded doors and try to choose standardized molded doors.

4. This kind of door is relatively light. Although it looks better in appearance, it doesn’t feel very good to the touch and its grade is relatively low.

Which is better, molded doors or painted doors?

What material is the molded door made of? Sharing the advantages and disadvantages of molded door panels

1. From a performance point of view

From a performance point of view, the molded door should not be deformed. Cracking, small expansion coefficient, relatively low price. The paint door has an exquisite appearance, rich colors, and strong visual impact. It also has the advantages of being fireproof and moisture-proof. It can be made into various exquisite shapes and is deeply loved by many people. Therefore, the performance of painted doors is much better than that of molded doors.

2. From the perspective of environmental protection

From the perspective of environmental protection, the molded door is made of density fiberboard. The formaldehyde content is relatively high, and the environmental performance is offset. Poor. The paint door uses density board as the base material, and the back is pasted with melamine, which has relatively excellent environmental performance.

3. From the perspective of durability

From the perspective of durability, molded boards are relatively resistant to bumps, and a small amount of friction will not have any impact at all. The durability of the painted door is relatively poor, and it needs to be prevented from being bumped, otherwise it will affect the appearance.

The above is the advantages and disadvantages of molded door panels shared, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.


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