The uncle who sells the anti -theft door revealed that when you buy the anti -theft door, you can judge safety when you look at the door!

The most important thing at home is not only your family, but also the complete anti-theft facilities in your home. Security doors are very important, but a good security door is even more critical. To ensure the safety of your home, you mainly rely on anti-theft doors and windows with anti-theft properties. Among all anti-theft measures, anti-theft doors are the most critical.

To ensure the safety of entering the home, you must choose an anti-theft door, so today let us learn about all aspects of anti-theft doors, such as how to choose anti-theft doors, how to install anti-theft doors, etc.

strong>, with these, you can ensure the safety of your home~

The uncle who sells the anti -theft door revealed that when you buy the anti -theft door, you can judge safety when you look at the door!

Chapter 1: What information does the uncle who sells security doors reveal?

[Security door markings have levels and cannot be chosen casually]

Security doors generally have security level markings, That is, the four levels are A, B, C and D. Class A security doors are currently the most secure doors,but the price will naturally be a bit higher.Class A security doors can be judged based on the markings on the security doors. The markings on Class A security doors are fha001, Class A b is marked as fhaij001, while Class B security doors are marked as pzh001, and Class B security doors are marked as pzhij001.

The uncle who sells the anti -theft door revealed that when you buy the anti -theft door, you can judge safety when you look at the door!

The material of the Grade A door is usually better than other levels of anti -theft doors. For example, in the Grade A and Grade B anti -theft doors, the anti -theft lock core of the Grade A. 3y lock core), The anti -theft lock core of the Class B anti -theft door will use a high -level lock core (such as the B -level lock core) , and the material of the anti -theft door accessories will naturally be different, For example, level A The anti -theft door locks will use better aluminum foil and aluminum silicate rock wool materials. Class A B and Grade A A anti -theft door will have an additional layer of aluminum foil, and the anti -theft door of Class A B will be selected. 2mm thick cold -rolled steel plate door frame.

The uncle who sells the anti -theft door revealed that when you buy the anti -theft door, you can judge safety when you look at the door!

[The thickness of the steel plate of the anti -theft door directly affects the quality , The door of thick steel plate is stronger]

The safety and quality of the anti -theft door directly affect the safety of the home, so when buying the anti -theft door, must check the thickness of the steel plate Whether to meet the standard, usually the thickness of the steel plate is between 1.2mm-3.0mm . If the thickness of the steel plate is less than this standard, it will affect the safety of the anti-theft door. It affects the smooth opening and closing of the anti -theft door.

In addition, the hardness of the steel plate will also affect the anti -impact resistance of the anti -theft door. Generally speaking, choosing a steel plate with HRC hardness is better. It may affect the toughness of the anti -theft door.

The uncle who sells the anti -theft door revealed that when you buy the anti -theft door, you can judge safety when you look at the door!

[Standard size security doors are more suitable for most families]

Common security doors usually There are some standard Dimensions, such as the height of anti-theft doors, usually come in 2050mm and 1970mm; in terms of width, there are two types: 860mm and 960mm.

So, if there are tall people in the home or there is a need. An elderly person who uses a wheelchair, You can choose an anti-theft door with a height of about 2050mm. If the height of your family is generally around 175cm, you can also choose an anti-theft door with a height of 1970mm. The width can be selected according to the needs of the family, if you need to carry large items. To transport wardrobes and other household items, you can choose a 960mm-width anti-theft door.

The uncle who sells the anti -theft door revealed that when you buy the anti -theft door, you can judge safety when you look at the door!

[Whether the anti-theft door has a mark, you can also check the quality of the door lock]

In order to ensure that the anti-theft door The quality complies with national standards. Each anti-theft door should have an \”anti-theft safety door\” sign. You can check it on the inside of the anti-theft door. If you see a mark on the anti-theft door and it conforms to the national standard number, then the quality of the anti-theft door can be guaranteed.

In addition to the above methods, it can also be used. Judge from the internal parts of the anti-theft door, such as whether the lock of the anti-theft door is complete, whether the keyhole is smooth, and whether there is any rust, corrosion and cracks.

If so. Are you confused when purchasing security doors? Try to choose products from some well-known brands. This will not only ensure that the quality of the door body meets national standards, but also enjoy better after-sales service.

P. Chapter 2: How to install a security door? The steps are as follows:

The first step: Determine the size of the hole and the brand of the anti -theft door

Before installing the anti -theft door, first of all, we have to make OK, For example, we need to confirm the width and height of the door frame first. The width of the anti-theft door hole should be greater than the width of the door frame 5mm-15mm.

Step 2: Prepare the installation tool and adjust the new door frame

Before installing the anti -theft door, We need we need Prepare the installation tools, usually need to prepare tools such as pliers, screwdrivers, hammers, etc. also need to prepare some auxiliary materials, such as butter gum, foam and other materials.

If the door frame of the anti -theft door installed is bent, then we need to adjust the door frame to ensure the straightness of the door frame. and then place the door frame in the door hole in the door hole Check whether the door frame meets the requirements.

Step 3: Start installing the door frame and installation of anti -theft door locks. Steps, You can directly knock on the door frame with a hammer to strive to install the door frame in place . At this time, if the door frame cannot enter the door hole smoothly, you can also use butter gum or foam to fill, and then Use the hammer to gently tap the front of the door frame to fix the door frame.

安裝鎖時, 可先在門體的表面上劃出鎖眼的位置,確保鎖眼的位置正確,然後再在門體上開鎖眼,並且Install the lock body and keyhole.

Step 4: Install the union and install the anti -theft door

The club is a rotating shaft device connecting the door and the door frame. Using the club can make the door rotate around the central axis of the harness, complete the opening and closing of the door, and the installation location of the union needs to be accurate, otherwise it will affect the smooth opening and closing of the anti -theft door. Spend.

After installing the matching page, you can start installing the anti -theft door. We can fix the door frame with the door body, and check whether the door body is smooth. Reinforcement.

Step 5: Check whether the door lock, the door frame is stable, smooth and reinforced. Stable and smooth, If the door lock is loosened or the door frame is not stable enough, it needs to be carried out in timeReinforcement processing , if the door frame is already installed and there is no loose, at this time, some materials can be further reinforced on the door frame, such as to reinforce the door frame with a wooden bar.

Uncle who sells anti -theft doors revealed that the quality and safety of anti -theft doors is an important guarantee for safety in the home. We need to pay attention to the labeling, steel plate thickness, size, logo and internal parts of the anti -theft door to ensure that the anti -theft door we buy meets national standards and quality requirements. At the same time, installing the anti -theft door also needs to follow certain steps and precautions in order to achieve good use effects. I hope that these knowledge can help everyone better understand the anti -theft door and escort family safety.


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