The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

1. The most effective way to remove formaldehyde is ventilation. Other methods are basically auxiliary and have little effect, so there is no need to spend too much money on treatment. Just provide more ventilation.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

2. It is recommended that the bathroom and kitchen sewer pipes be treated with soundproof cotton and then wrapped with red bricks. It does not cost much. It’s expensive, but it works so well that you no longer have to be bothered by the noise from the drainage upstairs.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

3. Try not to place the washing machine in the bathroom. Generally, the ventilation in the bathroom is poor, which is not conducive to the evaporation of water inside the washing machine. Over time, the inside of the washing machine will dirty.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

4. If you want to make a ceiling, the material is best to use light steel keel to fire and not easily deform. If you use wooden keel, high humidity is easy to deform. Once deforms, the gypsum plate splicing is easy to crack, and the wood keel is not anti -insect ant. The price of light steel keel is not much more expensive than the price of wood keel. It is really recommended that friends who do ceiling must choose light steel keel.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

5, the smart door lock must be bought, and Be sure to buy overload protection functions, which can effectively avoid the interference of the smart door lock by pulse, and the door lock is cracked and brought about hidden safety hazards. The purchase price is very good at hundreds to 1,000 points. There is no need to buy thousands of ones, all of which are IQ taxes.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

6, the water pipe must be willing to spend money, If you use it well, buy a PPR tube, try to choose the brand as much as possible. Because there are some inferior PPR pipes on the market, it is processed with waste plastic, and this type of water pipe will affect the water quality. The poor water pipe is related to water safety. Everyone must not save this money. Health is the most important thing. notfbfe4ca0a8b928e01dd19717~tplv-tt-origin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=58558&from=article.pc_detai l&lk3s=953192f4&x-expires=1738459438&x-signature=TSELlghKS0lARGQW2SAWigqj64s%3D\”/>

7. It is recommended that you choose a side-suction range hood, because the top-suction range hood is easy to hit the head and difficult to operate. The effect of smoking is relatively worse.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

8. Various complicated crystal lamps, suspended ceilings and lamps with upward lampshades are not only very difficult to clean, but also expensive. It’s expensive, so I really don’t recommend you buy it. Also, for families with small apartments, try to choose a color temperature for the light source, and the light color should be uniform, otherwise others will think they are in a KTV when they come to your home.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

9. The all-in-one washing and drying machine is more effective than a separate dryer. For friends who have this need, it is recommended that you use a separate dryer. Go buy it.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

10. Quartz stone is the most cost-effective among all countertop materials.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

11. If the kitchen and bathroom are not very large, try not to choose various tiles, waistlines and lines, which are expensive and difficult. Take care of it. The key is not necessarily to see the effect.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

12. The kitchen strongly recommends that you choose a large single slot. It is super practical and can accommodate large kitchen supplies. You can add a drain basket to easily convert it into a double sink.It\’s not that easy to change to a single slot.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

13. The kitchen check valve must be installed, and it must be installed well. The price is only over 100 yuan, and it can effectively prevent odor, smoke and pests. I\’ve seen too many families who don\’t pay attention to this small detail, and find problems later, which is really a shame.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

14. Round tables are not suitable for small apartments because they take up space. Square tables are more practical. If you really want to buy a round table, you can consider buying a round table. It is the kind of square table that is usually used at home, but can be transformed into a round table when guests come. The price is only two to three hundred yuan more expensive than the price of a square table.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

15, there is really no need to buy too expensive ceramic tiles. The current manufacturing process is very mature. Branded ceramic tiles are only better in quality control, service and after-sales, but the price will be more expensive. For friends with limited budget, you can consider local merchants who act as agents for ceramic tiles in Foshan, Guangdong. It is best to find a ceramic tile base to buy at a reasonable price. Save more than half.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

16. Choose the back-of-hand method to open the kitchen faucet. Do not choose the rotary type. When there is oil on your hands, open the faucet. At this time, you will find that the rotary type is very unfriendly and cannot be opened at all. However, the back-of-hand type can release water with just a push. I also recommend buying a stretchable faucet.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

17. Try not to buy a coffee table that is too complicated and heavy. It is best to buy a simple and light one, especially for families with children. If you like to play and run around in the living room, choose a simple and light coffee table that is easy to move back and forth. As a reminder, try not to buy a coffee table with sharp corners, which can be easily bumped by the elderly and children.

The 18 suggestions for decoration owners are all gained through real money and experience, especially the 18th one.

18. When you have different opinions on decoration, try to listen to your wife. Don’t ask why. Speaking from experience, believe me. Wrong.


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