\”The door is not available, wealthy and well -being.\” Does your family have it?

For humans, the earth is the home of human beings; but for ordinary people, the house is our home, the house belongs to the Yangzhai, and the breath of the house directly affects human health and fortune. For example, the stinky water, the turbid gas is turbid, the rich is not turbid, and the wealth does not enter the turbid door.

\"The door is not available, wealthy and well -being.\" Does your family have it?

So what is the breath of the house? The breath of the house mainly includes the orientation of the house, the layout of the home, and the family atmosphere.

The orientation of the house should try to choose a good direction, such as sitting north to the south so that the house can get sufficient sunshine, if the house is sitting The north of the Southern Dynasties is considered unlucky, and such a house is vulnerable to the invasion of yin and cold. At the same time, a good livable environment requires the house to stay away from the source of harmful pollution and bad geological places. It is a good Feng Shui situation.

At the same time, the layout of the house must be reasonable, and the air flow and energy flow inside the house should be smooth. The spread of gas and energy; at the same time, the door should be avoided by the door, the bed facing the door, the mirror, and the bed. These are unlucky behaviors.

In addition, the good house atmosphere is also related to the family atmosphere. Mutual respect and support, and jointly create a positive family atmosphere. not5b8e~tplv-tt-origin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=58558&from=article.pc_detail&lk3s=953192f4&x-expires=1738377532&x-signature=UIVB4XAA6r51CZFvYpScEbUApx0%3D\”/>

A good smell in the house will bring a positive and optimistic attitude to people and can inspire People\’s creativity and passion can make people feel happy and relaxed. It can be said that the layout of the house, the layout of the furniture and the family atmosphere are important components of the Feng Shui of the house.

For a house, the door is the entrance for airflow and people to enter and exit, so not everything can be placed at the door.The ancestors said, \”If you don\’t put three things at the door, you will be rich and noble.\” \”Health and well-being\” means that three items cannot be placed at the door, so which three items are they referring to? Do you have any in your home?

\"The door is not available, wealthy and well -being.\" Does your family have it?

1. Dirty things

The door is an important passage for people and gases to enter and exit. It is taboo to place \”dirty things\”. So what are dirty things? The so-called \”dirty things\” refer to things that are unclean and untidy. Objects, such as garbage piles, brooms, rotten shoes, toilets, toilets, and some moldy things

What our ancestors said:Put dirt at the doorDirty things will hinder the flow of energy, cause negative energy to stay, and destroy the balance of the family\’s aura; at the same time, dirty things are a symbol of unlucky and may cause the family\’s fortune to be hindered. Keeping the front door clean and orderly symbolizes Fresh and prosperous.

Scientific statement: Although the ancestor\’s statement seems a bit superstitious, the door is home. With the facade of the house, keeping it neat and orderly can make people feel comfortable and warm. It can also help improve the feng shui of the home, promote the happiness and peace of the family, and bring good luck and prosperity to the family.

\"The door is not available, wealthy and well -being.\" Does your family have it?

2. Reflective objects

Reflective objects should be well understood, which means that no reflective objects, such as mirrors, glass, etc., should be placed at the door of the house. According to our ancestors, when the sun or other luminous objects shine on reflective objects, strong light energy will be generated. This energy will interfere with the energy field of the home and cause the aura of the house to be unstable.

Although our ancestors’ opinions are a bit superstitious, placing reflective objects at the door will interfere with people’s vision and make them When people feel uneasy or nervous, it will have an impact on the physical health of the residents, such as eye fatigue, headaches, palpitations, etc. At the same time, placing reflective items at the door will also disturb people in the opposite house, which can easily lead to disharmony among neighbors and easily lead to disputes. Therefore, it is not recommended to place reflective items at the door.

\"The door is not available, wealthy and well -being.\" Does your family have it?

Three, Taiyin things

<p style = \"margin: 20px 0px 20px; \"Yangzhai\" and \"Yin House\", such as residential residences include houses, apartments, villas, as well as workplace and living places, belong to \"Yangzhai\"; \"Yin House\" refers to the place where the dead people are buried, that is, the grave.

Of course, yang houses need yang, like the house south to the south to get more yang, the people in the house live the same. Only to have yang, the yin is heavier in the long -term uninhabited house, such as a house without fireworks. \”data-track =\” 18 \”> According to our ancestors, the door taboo\” Taiyin \”. Human portrait and wind chimes made of shell.

<p style = \"margin: 20px 0px 20px; With silence, death, stagnation, and darkness. Living in this environment for a long time will seriously affect physical and mental health, which may lead to emotional instability and mental depression. Therefore, taboo \"Taiyin\" in front of the door.

We can place some green plants at the door. \”https://p3- sign.toutiaoimg.com/tos-cn- I-QVJ2LQ49k0/45c4FFB5077A4BB8BEF83624912BDB15~tplv- origin-gif.jpeg? 58558&FR om = Article.pc_detAIL & LK3S = 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738377532 & X-Signature = 7lnm2LPMJWWZDCDQM08OFR0GBK%3D \”/>

le = \”Margin: 20px 0px 20px;\” Data-Track = \”21 \”> To sum up, the gate is the facade of the house, and it is an important channel for people and gas to enter and exit. It is not advisable to put dirty things, reflective things, and Taiyin objects in front of the door. We should try to maintain a bright, tidy and positive atmosphere in front of the door. In maintaining the aura of the house and the positive ability of the family, people will live more comfortable.

<p style = \"margin: 20px 0px 0px; It makes sense to make sense. For infringement, please contact delete


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