The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

When we bought our first new house in our lives, our inner joy and longing were beyond words. Taking into account convenience and professionalism, we entrusted the decoration matters to our relatives who are designers in the decoration company. The final effect can almost be moved in directly, but we still need to purchase some daily necessities by ourselves.

However, when the decoration was just completed, the strong smell in the new house made us worried, and we were very worried about the high formaldehyde content. Therefore, we had to continue to ventilate and dry the new house for three months. Now, we have finally moved into our new home with great joy and are very satisfied with the decoration of the whole house.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

As soon as you walk into the new house, you will see a modern Simple style. The first thing that catches the eye is the entrance aisle on the left, where there are two floors of shoe cabinets. The space specially left in the middle is convenient for placing keys or small bags and other items, which is very practical. Light strips are installed on the top of the restaurant, and the effect when turned on is very warm. There is a square dining table placed below, which does not take up much space but is just right. What is particularly worth mentioning is the decorative paintings hanging on the walls, which add a touch of bright color to the entire space and have an excellent decorative effect.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

Re Looking to the right of the kitchen door, the custom-made wine cabinet is beautiful and practical, with high quality and unique shape.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

Then there is our living room. The layout is reasonable, the colors are coordinated, and the combination of hard and soft furnishings is perfect.Perfect. The most outstanding thing is undoubtedly the uniquely designed TV background wall in the living room, which our family simply cannot put down. Cultural bricks are used in the middle of the background wall, and the decorations next to them are all carefully selected from the Internet, and the decorative effect is excellent. The TV is mounted on the wall so that children at home will not easily touch it and safety is guaranteed. Viewed from the front, under the illumination of the downlight, the TV background wall is even more beautiful, and the TV cabinet is also very popular.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The space outside the balcony is also fully utilized , a wall cabinet is built above, a wash cabinet is set up below, and there is enough space next to it to place a refrigerator, so the space utilization is extremely high.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

Now we have moved in happily as a family All very happy. Whenever relatives and friends come to visit our home, they are always envious of our home\’s decoration and praise its quality.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

In the second bedroom, there are many photos hanging on the wall beside the bed, and the layout effect is very eye-catching. There is no suspended ceiling on the top of the bedroom. Instead, the wardrobe is custom-made outside and the quality is quite good.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The wardrobe in the master bedroom is a ready-made product purchased directly. Considering that the cabinet may be replaced in the future, it is not made fixed. The master bedroom also has a balcony, which has more lighting and a much wider space. There is also a corner desk cabinet on the balcony, which is very practical.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The decoration of the kitchen is also very beautiful, which makes people feel I feel happy while cooking. The toilet is installed in the bathroom. It was not separated from wet and dry parts due to space and other factors during the original decoration. However, if there is enough space in the house, it would be more practical to separate wet and dry parts.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

The new house has been ventilated for three months. I have moved in happily. The TV wall is very beautiful. My family likes it very much. Please share it.

After three months of ventilating the new house, we finally We moved in as we wished. The particularly beautiful TV wall is very popular with our family. We would like to share our joy with you. We hope that our life will become happier and happier, and we also hope that everyone will like the decoration of our home. !


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