Are folding doors easy to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of folding doors?

Folding doors are a popular type of door nowadays because they are very convenient to use. So, what are the advantages, disadvantages and scope of application of folding doors? Come and take a look with Xiaopei~

Advantages of folding doors

1. Beautiful, easy to use, space-saving

Most of the folding doors on the market are customized, so both styles and colors are very novel, and they can also play a decorative role in the home. In addition, this type of door is very convenient to use and can also be folded.

Are folding doors easy to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of folding doors?

2. Save space

Collapse The door is mainly made of aluminum alloy and other materials. It is not only fire-proof and flame-retardant, but also has the functions of heat insulation, moisture-proof, noise reduction and sound insulation. The most important thing is that it has high safety performance. In addition, it can be pushed and pulled freely during use, effectively saving indoor space.

3. Acid-resistant, corrosion-resistant, easy to clean

This type of door is also It has the advantages of corrosion resistance, acid resistance, easy daily cleaning, and is not prone to oily smoke when used in the kitchen.

4. High sealing performance, partition and screen functions

The types of folding doors include There are many, not only manual types, but also electric and remote-controlled ones. At the same time, it also has good sealing properties and can be used as a partition.

Are folding doors easy to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of folding doors?

Disadvantages of folding doors

1. Breeding bacteria

Because this type of door is more complex in structure, it is easy to breed bacteria when used. If it is not cleaned in time, more and more dirt will accumulate, and it will also affect the use of the folding door. .

2. Fragile

Sliding doors are mainly installed in the kitchen, and this space is where food is cooked. The frequency of use is relatively high, so over time, its pulleys, hinges and other parts will be damaged. Or the phenomenon of deformation may even cause it to be unable to be pushed

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3. Easy to fade.

If the folding door is used for a long time, it will fade due to many factors. For example, there is a lot of oil smoke, which will cause it to fade during cleaning, thereby reducing its aesthetic effect. Are folding doors easy to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of folding doors?

Scope of use of folding doors

This kind of door is suitable for kitchens, balconies, study rooms and space partitions. It can not only block the space, but also greatly open up the space. , and to a certain extent, it can also improve the decorative effect of the space.

Are folding doors easy to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages of folding doors?

For folding door assembly and repair, come to Woodpecker Home Appliance Repair

*Some of the pictures and texts above are from the Internet, please contact us for any infringement or deletion.


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