\”Kitchen sliding doors\” have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

There is a saying that goes, \”Food is the most important thing for the people.\” We have three meals a day in the kitchen. Every time we cook in the kitchen, a lot of food is produced. of dirt and fumes.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

Because we Chinese like frying when cooking Stir-fried, so the oil fumes in the kitchen are very serious. In order to prevent the oil fumes from spreading throughout the house, when we decorate the kitchen, we will choose to use sliding doors to isolate the kitchen from other spaces.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

I found that in the past two years, no one likes to install sliding doors in the kitchen. So how to design the kitchen is now popular? Where is the door? It is recommended to refer to the choices of Guangzhou people, which are practical and beautiful.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

Disadvantages of kitchen sliding doors:

1. Poor sealing


The main purpose of installing it in the kitchen and living room is to isolate the oil fume in the kitchen and prevent the oil fume in the kitchen from spreading to other spaces in the home.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

But after installing a sliding door in the kitchen, you will find that the sliding door cannot completely isolate the oil fume. If there are gaps between them, cooking fumes will still flow into the living room or bedroom, affecting the quality of life.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

If you don’t pay attention to cleaning, a lot of grease will appear in other functional areas of the home, causing a burden on housework. In particular, the sliding door track is more oily, and the sliding door track is also easy to hide. It\’s so dirty that the door won\’t close at all after a long time.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

And its sound insulation effect is not good, and the noise of the range hood is often transmitted into the living room.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

2. Difficult to clean

Sliding door tracks and pulleys are easy to clean The accumulation of dust and debris affects the normal opening and closing of the door, and these small garbage must be cleaned manually every time, which will add a lot of housework to us.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

When we usually cook, if we accidentally see oil stains, it will also get on the glass door, and cleaning the sliding door has become a very troublesome matter.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

3. Tracks are prone to problems

It is always easy to install sliding doors in the kitchen It turns on and off, so the track is easily damaged, and push and pull are often not smooth, and sometimes it derails or gets stuck.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

Moreover, the pulleys and other parts of the sliding door may become worn or damaged after long-term use. If they cannot be cleaned in time or are Maintenance will affect the use experience of the sliding door and shorten the service life of the sliding door.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

Many people think that there are too many problems with the floor rails, so they install hanging rail sliding doors, which increases safety risks because the hanging rails The sliding door can only be used by supporting two doors at the top. It will easily fall off over time. Once it falls off, it is likely to hit someone.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

4. Blackout

Nowadays people want a spacious and In a transparent home environment, if a sliding door is installed in the kitchen, it will lead to poor ventilation in the home and block light, making the space in the home even smaller.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

And the kitchen sliding doors are very ugly, and there are only a few shapes over and over again. , no matter how it is designed, it feels out of place at home, and installing it at home will also lower the overall appearance.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

Look at how Guangzhou people design:

Sliding doors because of the above The shortcomings have faded out of the kitchens of Chinese families. When decorating, we must not follow the trend. How can we install sliding doors to isolate the kitchen from the indoor space?

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

To solve this problem, I suggest you learn from the practices of Guangzhou people and make the kitchen cleaner. Me too I went to Guangzhou and discovered that people in Guangzhou had folding doors installed in their kitchens.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

The inner door is very flexible and is composed of multiple door panels. It can usually be moved from the inside or outside. , the door can be folded up easily, which is very suitable for the kitchen of small families. The effect of installing folding doors is very good.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

There are many advantages of folding doors. The first is to save space. When not in use, just push it aside. When you use it, pull it open and the sealing is very good. You no longer have to worry about oil fumes spreading to other spaces.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

Its sealing is very good and the sound insulation is also excellent. It can effectively prevent oil smoke from spreading around, and it is very easy to clean the ground rails or copper bars. Convenient, the folding door can be hidden when not cooking, which reduces the trouble of cleaning and is more worry-free than sliding doors.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.

The folding door is not only easy to install, but also easy to remove. It does not require a professional to operate it. If you install a folding door , you can dismantle it directly if you don’t want it later.

\"Kitchen sliding doors\" have been withdrawn from Chinese households. It is recommended to follow the practices of Guangzhou people to be beautiful and practical.


Traditional kitchen sliding doors have too many shortcomings , if you are considering renovating the kitchen recently, you can try folding doors. So what kind of doors are installed in your kitchen?

#头 Deep Degree. #


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