An old man in rural areas said, \”You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\” Which five things? Do you have one at home?

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

Although there is a small space in front of your home, the placement of the items here contains a lot of exquisiteness.

This seemingly insignificant detail actually has a profound impact on our lives.

When we step into our home, the first thing we see is the decoration at the door. Appropriate placement of items at this time can bring people a happy mood and positive energy.

The items you see when you open the door not only affect the beauty and cleanliness of your home, but are also closely related to the circulation of aura and the gathering of fortune in Feng Shui.

There is an old saying in rural areas: \”When you open the door, you will see five things, and it will be difficult for the family to become wealthy.\” So, what do these “5 things” refer to? Is it superstition? Or is it true?

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

The first thing: clutter

In daily life In life, many people are accustomed to randomly stacking some temporarily unused items at the door, thinking that it is more convenient.

As time goes by, there are more and more items at the door, such as slippers that have not been worn for a long time, shopping bags that are not often used, etc.

When we put these clutter at the door, it seemed convenient, but in fact it made the small space at the door more and more cluttered.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw chaosA messy arrangement of items will not only affect our own mood, but also leave a bad first impression on guests when they visit.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

Furthermore, according to Feng Shui theory, too much clutter at the door will hinder the smooth flow of air.

If you want good Feng Shui at home, the flow of Qi is very important, and the door is the entrance and exit of Qi. If it is blocked by debris, it will affect the balance of the Qi field of the entire home environment. , making it difficult for positive energy to enter and negative energy to be discharged.

In other words, clutter will ruin the feng shui of the home. If things don\’t go well for the family, people will also be unlucky.

Of course, this is just a superstitious idea. However, from a practical perspective, clutter at the door can easily cause safety hazards.

For example, in emergencies, such as fires, earthquakes, etc., we are likely to be blocked by scattered debris when we escape.

In addition, the temperature in summer is high, there are many mosquitoes, and there are a lot of debris at the door. As soon as the door is opened, the mosquitoes rush to the debris. Gradually, the house is full of small bugs, which not only affects our home hygiene, but also will have an impact on our health.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

The second object: mirror

Mirrors, as common items in daily life, where is it placedThere are also things to pay attention to.

Legend has it that there is a Mirror God living in the mirror, and he is a mortal enemy of the God of Wealth.

If the mirror is placed facing the door, the God of Wealth will turn away when he sees the mirror god at the door.

For us, if the God of Wealth does not enter the door, we will definitely lose our wealth, so friends who want to get rich should never put a mirror at the door.

However, there are also non-superstitious friends who believe that putting a mirror at the door and looking at yourself when you go in is also convenient for checking your appearance.

However, have you ever thought about it? At night, when the lights are dim, would you be shocked if you opened the door and saw yourself in the mirror?

If another person came behind you at this time, and his figure happened to flash past in the mirror, would you feel scared?

Therefore, the visual impact that a mirror placed at the door brings to people is likely to cause a certain psychological burden on people.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

Third object: sharp objects

Some time ago, I went to a friend’s house as a guest. When I went in to change my shoes, I held my hand against the entrance door.

As luck would have it, I happened to put my hand on the pair of scissors on the porch, and accidentally cut my hand.

Although the wound is not big, it is not good after all.

My friend also felt very embarrassed and quickly put away the scissors.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

From a safety perspective, the door is a place where people frequently come in and out. If sharp objects are placed, accidents can easily occur and cause harm to us.

Especially when there are children or elderly people at home, this risk cannot be ignored.

Moreover, placing sharp objects at the door will also give visitors an unfriendly and unsafe feeling.

After all, the guests are not familiar with the environment of your home, and there are sharp objects placed at the door. It is easy to injure people, and if the guests are not careful at this time, they will be injured like me.

Therefore, do not put sharp objects at the door to avoid affecting your interpersonal relationships.

In addition, in the concept of Feng Shui, the evil spirits generated by sharp objects can It may pierce the harmonious atmosphere of the family, cause quarrels and conflicts among family members, and thus destroy the harmonious family relationship.

So, for the safety of the family and the family. To maintain a harmonious relationship, it is best to find a special place to store sharp objects.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

Fourth item: fake flowers and fake grass

Nowadays, many young people are not good at taking care of flowers and plants, but they don’t want to have no flowers and plants at home, so they buy fake flowers and plants. Fake flowers and grass.

Although fake flowers and plants can add a touch of green and vitality to the home, from the perspective of Feng Shui theory, they lack real vitality and vitality.

In Feng Shui, plants have the function of absorbing negative energy, releasing oxygen and regulating the aura.

However, artificial flowers and grass cannot perform photosynthesis. , cannot bring fresh air and positive energy to the home like real plants

On the contrary, they may accumulate dust and bacteria, which not only affects the indoor air.The quality of your temperament will also affect your mood.

You can imagine that when you open the door and see a pot of dusty fake flowers, you must feel very bad!

Therefore, it is best not to place artificial flowers and grass near the door. If you really want to place them, you must clean them regularly and don\’t let them become a hiding place for dust.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

The fifth object: trash can

Trash can, as an indispensable item in daily life Some people are accustomed to placing trash cans at their doorsteps to make it easier to throw out trash when they go out.

However, the garbage in the trash can easily ferments and rots, giving off an unpleasant smell.

From a Feng Shui perspective, trash cans are considered a gathering place for filth, and the negative energy they emit may affect the family\’s aura and fortune.

When we come in and out of the house every day, the first thing we see is the trash can. This kind of bad visual and olfactory stimulation will give people a feeling of depression and unpleasantness, which will affect their mood. and working status.

Moreover, placing trash cans at the door will also affect the appearance of the house and leave a bad impression on visiting guests.

It is best to throw the garbage to the garbage recycling place downstairs in time to avoid the garbage being piled in front of the home for a long time and affecting the home environment.

An old man in rural areas said, \"You can see five things when you open the door. It is difficult for a person to get rich if his family is ruined.\" Which five things? Do you have one at home?

In short, although the saying \”it is difficult to get rich when one sees five things at the door\”, although it seems a bit superstitious, from the perspective of real life, it is difficult to get rich at home. It is indeed not suitable to place these \”5 things\”.

In terms of home decoration, the first thing we should consider is practicality, comfort and safety.

For example, in order to keep the doorway smooth and tidy, we should develop a good habit of cleaning up debris regularly and place commonly used items in reasonable locations for easy access without affecting the appearance. .

For the placement of mirrors, you can choose the appropriate location according to the indoor light and space layout, which should not only meet the needs of use, but also avoid adverse psychological effects.

When choosing decorations, consider more real plants, which not only beautify the environment but also improve air quality.

Trash cans should be placed in a well-ventilated place that is easy to clean, and garbage should be cleaned up in a timely manner to maintain environmental hygiene.


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