The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

Generally, living rooms in the north have balconies. Basically, the space is opened without doors, and the space is enlarged to achieve decoration value. At the same time, gauze curtains or similar light-transmitting curtains are directly used on the balcony. Curtains are not needed in the living room because the curtains in the living room are thick and heavy. Reduce space and barely use it.

ThisThis is the basic method, but if there is no dryer on the balcony, you need a clothes drying rack, and you have to dry the clothes. Many people think that drying clothes is too messy or it is embarrassing to have guests, so there is another method. , which can satisfy privacy while achieving transparent lighting. Resolutely do not use curtains, otherwise it will just be the blind accumulation of various materials in the past. Decoration must have a certain purpose. It is definitely not a decoration custom or a way to cater to the money-making mentality of building materials dealers. You must have independent thinking.

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

such asAs shown in the picture, two gauze curtains are used. The balcony is used to provide privacy and light transmission. The living room is used to dry clothes to block clutter while ensuring light transmission. It is visually simpler and more refreshing than ordinary living room curtains.

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

such asPicture: White gauze curtains are used in both the living room and the balcony. The balcony can provide light shading and privacy to ensure that it is not dazzling when studying. The living room can satisfy the independence and privacy of the balcony study area at any time, while satisfying the light transmission and brightness of the overall space. Visually It won’t feel cumbersome

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

such asThe living balcony is moved to gauze curtains, and a gauze curtain in the living room allows for light transmission and can block the clutter of the balcony at any time

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

twoThe dream curtain satisfies the appearance and light transmission, and at the same time can block the mess of clothes hanging on the balcony at any time without causing visual clutter

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

such asGauze curtains are used in the balcony and the living room respectively. The gauze curtains in the living room can block the mess of clothes hanging on the balcony. They can watch projections during the day. They can also create an atmosphere without affecting the transparency of the lighting. , more affordable and lighter than curtains

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

Two gauze curtains are used in the hall and balcony respectively, which satisfies the privacy and atmosphere of the space without causing cumbersomeness and heaviness in the visual space

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

rightThe picture shows the original state, and a curtain is never used; the picture on the left is what it looks like after removing the curtain. Both in terms of space and light transmission, it looks more advanced than having a curtain. and concise

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

such asTwo gauze curtains in the picture. The gauze curtain in the living room ensures that the mess of drying clothes will not be seen. At the same time, it will not affect the overall lighting and is visually lighter

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

HughThe free balcony is used as a study, but a certain degree of privacy is required for daily work. At this time, two gauze curtains can be used, which is visually simple and light. Even if the curtains are drawn, the space can be kept light and transparent.

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

Such asThe balcony does not have a dryer as a living balcony , usually you need to hang clothes, and people come in a mess. At this time, you can use two gauze curtains to meet the needs of transparent lighting and visual simplicity

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

GoLiving room design, two gauze curtains avoid the clutter of the living balcony, and at the same time, the visual sense will not be heavy

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

The two gauze curtains on the living balcony provide privacy, are visually simple, do not feel heavy, and are economical and affordable

The balcony of the living room is open. It must not only transmit light, but also ensure the privacy of clothes drying on the balcony. How to make curtains?

such asThe two gauze curtains in the picture satisfy the neatness of the living balcony, while ensuring transparent lighting and concise space


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