The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

Renovating a house is a time-consuming and complicated process. After a long wait of 7 months, I finally waited until the day when the decoration was completed. This process made me deeply realize that decoration is not just superficial. Kung Fu actually involves a lot of details and techniques.

If you are considering renovating your own house, or have already started the renovation work, then please be sure to read this article carefully. This article will summarize 10 tips for avoiding decoration pitfalls, hoping to be able to help you avoid them. Everyone\’s renovations helped.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

>>>When decorating for the first time, don’t touch these 10 “pitfalls”

(1) The contract stipulates \”completion time\” + \”compensation mechanism\”, The final payment should not be paid in one go

The signing of the decoration contract is a key link in the decoration process. It is not only a legal document for both parties to agree on the decoration content, construction period, payment method and other matters, but also It is an important certificate to protect the rights and interests of owners. Therefore, before signing a decoration contract, the owner mustread the terms of the contract carefully to ensure that all agreements are clear and clear, and fully communicate with the decoration company to ensure that both parties reach a consensus.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

During the renovation process,The owner must strictly carry out acceptance inspection in accordance with the contract to ensure that the decoration quality meets expectations. At the same time, the owner also needs to pay according to the payment method and time agreed in the contract to ensure that the decoration company can complete the construction on time and according to the quality.

It is not advisable to pay the final payment in one lump sum to avoid slow construction progress, material problems, and poor construction quality, which will prevent you from safeguarding your legitimate rights and interests.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(2) The door is customized to the top of the whole house, which has poor practicality

I have seen so many decoration cases , I believe everyone has discovered one thing in common: many people like to choose a door-to-top design customized for the whole house. Although this design looks beautiful, its practicality is very poor. Because the door-to-top design will make the entire space look depressing, and the height of the door panel will be affected by the deformation of the panel, which will lead to poor quality of the door panel.

You can avoid these problems by choosing a traditional door design, and the traditional door design will look more beautiful and elegant, adding a lot of charm to the overall space. .

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(3) Technological fabric sofa, poor practicality and not resistant to stains

Technological fabric sofa is favored by many people favor, because it has the advantages of being waterproof, anti-fouling, and easy to clean, but in fact, the practicality of the technical fabric sofa is not as good as expected.

Especially low-quality technical fabric sofas are prone to static electricity, dust, and airtightness. Such sofas not only affect health, but also affect the user experience.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(4) Open lattice cabinets are not practical and easy to accumulate dust

Many families like to use open lattice cabinets Style lattice cabinets are used to store items, but this design also has its shortcomings. Although open-lattice cabinets look beautiful, their practicality is poorbecause open-lattice cabinets tend to accumulate dust and are very troublesome to clean.

And if items that are not frequently used are placed in open cabinets, it will cause problems such as moisture and deterioration of the items.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(5) Failure to reserve water supply and drainage for household appliances in advance will make subsequent installation very troublesome

During decoration During the process, many people will ignore some details, such as the water supply and drainage locations of home appliances. If the water supply and drainage locations of home appliances are not reserved in advance, it will be very troublesome to install later, and you may even need to build new walls. , paving the floorWait, this is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of money.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

In order to avoid this situation from happening, you must make plans in advance before decoration. Reserve the corresponding position on the top, so that there will be no problems when installing home appliances later.

(6) White seams can easily turn yellow after being used for a period of time

White seams are very common in decoration, but after being used for a period of time You will find that white seams are very easy to yellow. This is because the material quality, installation process, environment and other factors of white seams are related. If the material quality is not good or the installation process is improper, it will accelerate the rate of yellowing.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(7) Do not choose imported latex paint, just make it domestically.

Many people think that decoration must be imported. Materials, in fact, domestic materials are also very good. Just choose latex paint from a big brand and good reputation.

When choosing a color, it is best to try the color first to avoid color inconsistency.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(8) When choosing decoration materials, if the difference between the warm and cold tones of white is too big, it can easily make the whole thing uncoordinated

When selecting materials, you will find that the white tones of different materials can be divided into warm and cold tones. If the difference between cold and warm tones is too great, it will lead to overall disharmony. Therefore, you must pay attention to the color matching when selecting materials. Avoid this problem

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(9) It is best to buy glass glue by yourself. Poor quality glass glue is moldy and pungent

In the decoration process, glass glue is a very important part, but many people ignore the quality of glass glue. Choosing poor quality glass glue is not only prone to mold, but also produces a pungent smell, which not only affects health but also affects the user experience.

Therefore, it is recommended that everyone buy glass. When gluing, try to choose products with good brands and guaranteed quality. If you are worried about the quality of the glass glue bought by the decoration company, just buy it yourself.

The decoration lasted 7 months, and I summarized 10 pitfall avoidance experiences. You can definitely use them for your first decoration.

(10) The kitchen should be designed with high and low tables to make cooking more comfortable

The kitchen is very important in the family As a space, the design of the kitchen directly affects the quality of life of the family. When decorating the kitchen, many people will choose high-end The low countertop design can effectively improve the comfort of cooking and make it easier for us to cook.

Traditional kitchen decoration often only takes into account the height of the countertop and does not take into account everyone\’s needs. Height differences mean that many people need to bend down or squat when cooking, which is very uncomfortable for long periods of time.For example, this The height of the upper and lower countertops is equally suitable for tall and short people, so there will be no discomfort caused by height differences.

>>>Summary: Decoration requires extreme care. Great patience and careful work, only by taking every link seriously can we achieve perfection

Decoration is not just about painting the walls and laying the floors, it requires us to pay attention to every detail , taking into account every possible problem, At the same time, we also need to control costs and select appropriate materials and construction teams to ensure the quality and effect of decoration.

In short, decoration is a complex and long process. But as long as we take every aspect seriously, we will be able to create an ideal home environment.


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