Tmall joins hands with VOC smart lock to launch \”Yellow Armrest Project\” 3.0-Operation Keeping Forgetting

Pay attention to the elderly Regarding the problem of forgetfulness, on January 14, Tmall teamed up with the China Aging Development Foundation and VOC smart locks and other brands to launch the Yellow Handrail Project 3.0 – \”Operation \”Keep Forgetting\”. In 2025, 10,000 facial recognition or vein recognition smart door locks will be sent to the society to make it easier for the elderly to enter their homes and make it a trivial matter for the \”old\” to forget things.

Tmall joins hands with VOC smart lock to launch \"Yellow Armrest Project\" 3.0-Operation Keeping Forgetting

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, as of the end of 2023, my country\’s population aged 60 and over will exceed 290 million, accounting for more than 1/5 of the total population. The elderly are prone to cognitive impairment. Data show that the prevalence rate of dementia is 5% among people over 65 years old. After 65 years old, the prevalence rate doubles for every five years of age. One of the main manifestations is forgetfulness.

Tmall joins hands with VOC smart lock to launch \"Yellow Armrest Project\" 3.0-Operation Keeping Forgetting

VOC Master Jian provides solutions for aging, the industry’s first smart phone specially designed for parents Lock.

As a warm and sentimental brand, VOC has always been committed to listening to the \”Voice of Customers\” Customer) is our mission to pay attention to those neglected voices and listen to the real needs of the elderly group, making it easier for the elderly to get in and out of their homes and avoid the inconvenience and safety hazards caused by forgetting to bring their keys. Based on this insight, VOC was launched. ——Master Jian Smart Lock, the industry’s first smart lock specially designed for parents, adhering to the concept of \”it is easy to buy and use locks\”, let technology better serve people and make every family Can have a \”simple and easy to use\” guardian

Tmall joins hands with VOC smart lock to launch \"Yellow Armrest Project\" 3.0-Operation Keeping Forgetting

VOC Jian Master smart lock, combined with advanced Internet, artificial intelligence, biometrics and other new technologies, injects new impetus into the high-quality development of the elderly cause and contributes to building an age-friendly society. For the elderly Problems such as forgetting passwords and easy wear of fingerprints, VOC Master Jian supports face recognition and palm vein recognition functions, which is more suitable for seniors. You can unlock the door by standing in front of the door or waving your hand, so you no longer have to worry about forgetting your keys. . In terms of safety protection, Master Jian is equipped with a timed locking function when the door is closed, which can effectively avoid safety hazards caused by forgetting to lock the door. When the door lock freezes, malfunctions, or the front panel is accidentally damaged, Master Jian is equipped with a V-shield dual system, and the Bluetooth key unlocking function is still available. Available, truly safe and worry-free. The 6000 mAh long-lasting lithium battery only needs to be charged once a year, allowing the elderly to completely say goodbye to charging worries and feel more at ease with it.

Tmall joins hands with VOC smart lock to launch \"Yellow Armrest Project\" 3.0-Operation Keeping Forgetting

Technology should not be superior, but should serve the people. In the future, VOC will continue to take corporate social responsibility as itsThe foundation is driven by the supply of home-friendly products for the elderly, using commercial power to form a public welfare closed loop, and is committed to cultivating a social concept of \”caring for the elderly at home\” and helping to accelerate the construction of an \”age-friendly society.\” Guided by the corporate mission of \”Listening to the Voice of Customer\”, VOC brings more positive impacts to society and the environment, and lets smart technology protect every moment of a better life!


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