More and more people don’t install balcony doors. I followed suit and found out that everyone was just being tough.

Many people think that the balcony is not necessary to install the door. The balcony is the balcony. There is no need to install the doors and windows like the garden, which will destroy the visual effect. In order to save popularity, many businesses have also started to \”teach customers\” how to decorate to be more cost -effective. This kind of decoration method that does not install the balcony door is incredible.

More and more people don’t install balcony doors. I followed suit and found out that everyone was just being tough.

It is often trending and others The influence of experience, However, sometimes following the trend is not a wise choice. For example, about the decoration design of the balcony door, more and more people do not pretend to be the balcony door. \”\” \”.

First: Why don\’t everyone pretend to be a balcony door? Mainly three reasons for the following 3 points

Reason 1. I think there is no balcony door to make the space a greater

Many people feel that they do n’t pretend to be pretending In the balcony door, the sense of space will be greater, so it will not be installed directly.

Facts: If you do not install the balcony door, it will be colder in winter, and it will be hotter in summer. .com/TOS-CN-I-6W9MY0KSVP/ED243D11E3064C1EB5B5B23E69094637F ~ TPLV-TT-Origin-WEB: GIF.JPEG? 953192F4 & X-EXPIRES = 1738463167 & X-Signature = ESVRPINY%2BKL5GJQN2JAHEJRP2GC%3d \”/> p class = \”pgc-img-capption\”>

The temperature outdoors in summer is 35 degrees, and the indoor temperature is 25 degrees. That is to say, there is a temperature difference of 10 degrees indoors. There is a temperature difference of 10 degrees, ourThe indoors will be cooler.If there is no balcony door, the cold indoor air will be directly replaced by the hot air outside, which will cause our indoor cooling effect to be even worse. Without a balcony door, the indoor cooling effect will be even worse. Comfort will also be affected to a certain extent.

More and more people don’t install balcony doors. I followed suit and found out that everyone was just being tough.

Reason 2. Not installing a balcony door can increase practicality

There is also a saying that the balcony Doors are not very useful. The main function of a balcony is to relax, so more attention should be paid to the functionality of the balcony. If you only focus on aesthetics, installing doors will only cause a waste of space.

Fact: Balcony doors can block moisture and noise

More and more people don’t install balcony doors. I followed suit and found out that everyone was just being tough.

You may think that installing balcony doors is just for aesthetics. Some people think that as long as they do not install balcony doors, they can have a more atmospheric effect, but in fact The balcony door and the balcony are not two completely separate areas. It is a unique space in home life, and installing a balcony door can integrate the balcony and the living room. It ensures the sense of extension of the space without destroying the overall beauty. For the design of the balcony, we should regard it as an extension of the living room, and combine the functions of the living room to reasonably divide the functions of the balcony.

Reason 3. Pursue an open space design and make it more transparent without doors

Many designers Emphasizing the design concept of open space, it is believed that not installing balcony doors can make the room more transparent.

The truth: Without a balcony door, everything outside the window will be exposed to the view, affecting the sense of privacy

But in real life, this design Not suitable for all homes, especially due to privacy concerns. At night or when resting, people need a relatively private space. At this time, a design that is too open will make people feel uncomfortable.

More and more people don’t install balcony doors. I followed suit and found out that everyone was just being tough.

Especially at night, we need to close the curtains to protect our privacy. If there is no balcony door at all, the presence of the curtains will be stronger. The space will appear more depressing. If you install a balcony door, the combination of curtains and balcony door can better divide the space without affecting the transparency of the room. This method is a wiser choice. oh!

Second: Potential problems of not installing balcony doors. After doing it, I found that everyone was \”hard-talking\”

Question 1: No Install a balcony door so that the noise outside the window directly invades the house

Without a balcony door, the noise outside the window will directly invade the house, affecting the quietness of the residence. For somefamilies living in prosperous areas or areas with heavy traffic, It may cause a lot of trouble.

Question 2: Not installing a balcony door will affect the indoor privacy

Without a balcony door, indoor privacy will be affected to a certain extent, especially The presence of curtains will be stronger at night or while resting, the overall privacy will be less, and if youlive in a high-rise building or somewhere with a view outside the window, the lack of a balcony door may be uncomfortable for you.

On the contrary, the existence of balcony doors can better protect your privacy from the prying eyes of others.

Third: I installed a balcony door at home, which solved the above problems

Advantages 1. The balcony door can effectively isolate humidity


If there is a lack of balcony doors, the humidity on the living balcony will directly affect the indoor environment. For example, if you dry or dry clothes on your living balcony, the humid air will gradually seep into the room, causing the indoor humidity to increase, which can easily breed bacteria and mold and affect your health.

Advantage 2. Balcony doors can effectively block external noise

Without a balcony door, the noise outside the window will affect the quietness of the room. This may cause considerable trouble to some families living in prosperous areas or areas with heavy traffic.

Compared with not installing a balcony door, let’s take a look at the home environment with a balcony door. The existence of a balcony door can effectively isolate external noise and make the room quieter, especially in When you need to rest or concentrate, the role of balcony doors is even more obvious.

Advantage 3. Balcony doors can make the indoor temperature more comfortable

The existence of balcony doors can effectively block the cold wind and heat waves from the outside, keeping the indoor temperature comfortable temperature, For example, in northern households, in winter, the outdoor temperature is low. The existence of balcony doors can effectively block the cold wind from the outside and keep the indoor temperature within a comfortable range. Conversely, in summer, balcony doors can also Effectively blocks external heat waves and keeps the room cool.

Advantage 4. Balcony doors can better protect personal privacy

The existence of balcony doors can help us better protect personal privacy , especially at night or when resting, the balcony door can effectively block the view of the outside world, making us feel more secure and private, and the design of the balcony door can be combined with home decoration such as curtains. While ensuring privacy, it will not destroy the overall beauty.

Ending: The multiple functions of the balcony door, not pretending to be a pity

It may make you feel in some aspects without installing the balcony door. Insufficient, such as temperature adjustment, noise isolation, humidity adjustment, privacy protection, etc. If you are considering whether to decorate the balcony door, it is recommended that you combine your own needs and living environment to make a wise choice. The decoration design of the balcony door really needs to consider many aspects such as beauty, practicality, and privacy. Don\’t follow the trend.


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