What are the problems of doors and windows installation?

The installation of doors and windows may seem like a simple job in home decoration, but it can also cause many problems if the construction is not done properly. So what are the problems with door and window installation? Below, the editor of Decoration Home.com will analyze several common door and window installation problems for you.

What are the problems of doors and windows installation?

1. Poor overall stiffness of door and window frames

Phenomena:Push and pull Or when opening and closing doors and windows or encountering strong winds, the door and window frames shake.


1. Improper profile selection, small cross-section and insufficient strength. The prevention of aluminum alloy door and window materials does not meet the requirements. The quality of plastic steel door and window materials is not up to standard.

2. The lining steel configuration of plastic steel doors and windows does not meet the standards. (Generally, 1.20 is used for the steel lining, but the owners cannot see it because of the installation. Many businesses use unqualified ones to install for the owners) The steel wall is thin and the strength is poor; the lining steel is inserted in sections, which cannot form an overall reinforcement effect; the lining steel and the plastic profile are not firmly connected, etc.

3. The installation node does not comply with the specifications.

4. There are no different fixing methods according to different walls.


1. The specifications and quantities of door and window frame profiles comply with national standards. The wall thickness of the outer frame of the aluminum alloy profile shall not be less than 2.4 mm. The thickness of plastic steel window materials shall not be less than 2.5 mm.

2. Check the appearance of plastic profiles. Qualified profiles should be bluish white or ivory white, clean and smooth. Better quality ones should have a protective film.

3. Select the profile section according to the door and window opening size and installation height. Casement windows should not be smaller than 55 series, and sliding windows should not be smaller than 75 series.

4. Install in strict accordance with the specifications to ensure firmness and stability.

What are the problems of doors and windows installation?

2. Door and window leakage

Phenomena: (1) Door and window frames and surrounding areas There is leakage at the wall joint (2) The sliding window slides down. Water accumulates in the groove and seeps into the window.

1. The door and window frames and walls are caulked with cement mortar.

2. The glue between the door and window frame and the wall is not tight, and there are gaps.

3. The door and window workmanship is not up to standard, and the connection between the window frame and the window sash is not tight.


4. The window sash sealing strip is not installed properly and water penetrates from the window sash glass gap.

5. There are no drainage holes in the window frame.


1. The door and window frames and the wall must not be caulked with cement mortar. They should be elastically connected and sealed with sealant. There should be no gaps.

2. Before installation, check whether the doors and windows are qualified, whether the connection between the window frame and the window sash is tight, and whether the window sash sealing strip is installed properly.

3. Check whether the window frame and the hole are properly installed. There is a gap of more than 50 mm so that the window sill can be used as a drainage slope.

4. Drainage holes should be drilled in the lower frame of the outer frame and the track root.

What are the problems of doors and windows installation?

3. The color difference between doors and windows is obvious

Phenomena: The colors of adjacent doors and windows or window frames and sash are inconsistent.

Cause: The materials are not from the same factory. , or the same batch of products, or products of different material grades.


1. When purchasing profiles, you should use products from the same manufacturer and prepare enough materials at one time.

2. Pay attention to the color of the ingredients before cutting to avoid Materials with large color differences are used on the same doors and windows.

For more decoration pictures and home knowledge, welcome to add.


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