After moving in, I strongly felt that \”the decoration decision was too wise\” 6 moments, come and copy the homework

When decorating and designing, many people will consider practicality and aesthetics. Most people will prefer aesthetics. After all, who doesn’t want their house to be decorated better.

After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

But after moving in, we discovered that practicality is more important than aesthetics. After all, a house is for living in, not for \”looking at\”.

Today I will share with you 6 things that can only be felt after moving in: \”the decoration decision is too wise\” At this moment, if you are planning to renovate your house in the near future, you must learn it soon.

After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

1. Living room—hidden skirting

When I was decorating and designing the baseboards in my home, many people wondered why I spent a lot of money on invisible baseboard designs.

Who can ask such a question?It must not do housework in daily life. After all, every time I squat and clean the dust on the skirting line, I can\’t wait to throw away the skirting line.

After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

That\’s a hidden kick After the design of the foot line, there is no need to clean up the dust on the skirting line again. It is really easy and convenient.

and the furniture in the home can be completely placed against the wall, and there is no need to look at the furniture and wall of the home, and worry that there will be something inadvertently falling off inadvertently It\’s really easy to do.

After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

Two, living room-landing TV cabinet

When decorating the TV cabinet, many people think that the TV cabinet can buy one casually. Make a TV cabinet at home?

But in my opinion, let the carpenter customize the TV cabinet for your own home, which can be closer to our decoration design and more in line with our decoration needs. notB83304CDFBD7CB122FF6A0850 ~ TPLV-TT-Origin-Web: GIF.JPEG? _IZ = 58 & FROM = Article.pc_detail & LK3S = 953192F4 & Expires = 1738373638888 & X-SIGNATURE = BAFOUSBF2%2F1NK8EIG3IGMGMGMGP2FK%3d \”/>

The most important thing is to land on the TV cabinet. There are fewer sanitary dead ends. When you do n’t need to mop the ground, you will move the TV cabinet to clean up the dust under the TV cabinet. Save things are very simple

In particular, you must install a furniture that does not affect the scanning robotic operation in the future. > After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

Three, living room-French ceiling

I believe that more than 99%of friends, the ceiling design in the home is \”backbone\” ceiling design. >

and the \”return type\” ceiling design. After check-in, you will find that it is really depressed, followed by the dust in the \”Back\” ceiling design. This time is a big trouble. : gif.jpeg ? _IZ = 58558 & FROM = Article.pc_detail & LK3S = 953192F4 & X-EXPIres = 1738373638 & X-Signature = D%2BUFS3KJXWLUZTGM0LHOQEI0TYK%3d \”/>

Single The design of the big white wall, a simple \”big white top\”, but for the degree of beauty, I also added some French gypsum to embellish in it. I feel at home that French ceiling is very advanced, but I do n’t know that the cost is lower, but the design effect is better! -I-6W9MY0KSVP/A17803F8E95E4092BF855530B83910BF ~ TPLV-Origin-WEB: GIF.JPEG? _IZ = 58558 & FROM = Article.pc_detail & LK3S = 953192F44 & X-EXPIRES = 1738373638 & X-Signature = 4iousn34pBRGCL4%2bbkh5xrmx5iu%3d \”/>

Four, toilet — pond wall row

When the drainage of the bathroom washing the pool, many friends felt that the sewers flowed directly along the sewer pipe. Why did you smash the wall and bury the water pipe in it?

But when they saw my bathroom wall after the decoration, I found out how wise my decoration was. I don\’t have to worry about the water pipes of the sewer, it is really easy to be troubled and convenient, and there will be no stains to accumulate to the sewer, and it will make a odor. p3- I-6W9MY0KSVP/B53B40F90ED2431CA1C717E2F7E476-TPLV- origin-weight?_iz=5858&From=article .pc_detail & lk3s = 953192F4 & x-expires = 1738373638 & X-Signature = AZQPLXTHIXk9BjJsZmH1rrHfiaw%3D\”/>

5. Kitchen – Aluminum buckle ceiling

When decorating the kitchen ceiling at home, I directly chose the cheapest aluminum buckle ceiling design. Many people think why should I choose a cheap aluminum buckle ceiling design? It is definitely not easy to use.

But after I moved in, many friends who opposed me realized why I chose the aluminum buckle ceiling design.

Because of the aluminum buckle ceiling design, it is really easy to clean. Every time it gets dirty, you can just wipe it clean with a rag, especially in an environment with heavy oil stains in the kitchen. Very useful.

After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

6. Bedroom – New Tatami

When I told the decoration workers that I wanted to install tatami mats for side sleepers in my house, my family members all jumped out to object and advised me not to install tatami mats for side sleepers. It is really not of much use.

But I didn’t know that what I wanted to do when sleeping on my side was a new tatami, not a traditional tatami design.

After moving in, I strongly felt that \"the decoration decision was too wise\" 6 moments, come and copy the homework

The new type of tatami is a ribs, which will not be moldy. ; The drawer-type storage I also do on the side can be more convenient to get things. The new type of tatami is so practical that it improves the original shortcomings and is more suitable for daily life. /6F46AD44D3BDACDAC377B52137E888D~TPLV-Origin-web:gif.jpeg?_iz=58558&8From=artIC_DETAILK3S=953192F4&X-EXPIRES=173837 3638 & X-Signature = ljurnew2gaoef2H%2funa5RQ5VMK0%3d \”/>

At the end of the text:

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