Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

Some friends feel that money can’t buy them peace of mind when decorating their home. They would rather do it themselves than be “scammed” by a decoration company! Some friends also think that the house is theirs to live in, and doing it yourself will give you a sense of participation…

Whether it is to save money or for a sense of participation, these 6 DIY decorations are done by yourself, and you really don’t want to step on the wrong side. You can feel free to \”chop your hands\”~

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

NO.1: Do it yourself to save material and labor costs

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

When decorating your home, the most easily overlooked thing is the sewer pipe. But only if the pipe is soundproofed can you stay away from the \”air fountain\” when taking a bath. The sound of water flowing from the sewer will not affect your rest.

The sewer pipes do not need to be wrapped with wooden keels. They can be wrapped directly with soft bags or hard bags. Considering the cost of packaging materials, it is more economical to sew finished packaging materials directly with a sewing machine, which also saves labor costs. Doing it yourself is completely ok~

NO.2: Beautiful seams on ceramic tiles, even if Even a novice can create impressive effects

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

What is the most common place to make mistakes in the home? It must be the beautiful seams of ceramic tiles. Beautiful seams require high technical requirements. Sealing agents are prone to problems such as peeling, cracking, and yellowing.

However, even novices can learn to make beautiful seams by watching videos. The plastic scraper must be scraped vertically, and do not scrape too fast; use textured paper to trim the edge, and be sure to wet it with water when closing the edge with a knife; remember to rinse with water after 48 hours after the application of the seam sealant! strong>

NO.3: Assemble simple furniture by yourself, it is more fun to do it yourself

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

As for furniture assembly, simple bookshelves and coffee tables can be made by yourself even if you pay for manual assembly. When it comes to the entire assembly process, many people also feel that it would be better to do it themselves.

Assembling furniture by yourself not only allows you to choose materials and styles, but also allows you to assemble furniture yourself. You can also add some creative small decorations during the assembly process to enhance the uniqueness of your home, which saves money and is beautiful~

NO.4: Switches at home Sockets, you can learn how to install them yourself

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

Not only items with simple price comparisons such as furniture and sewer pipes, but also the installation of switches and sockets with a higher degree of difficulty. As long as you have certain hands-on ability, You can also try to do it yourself!

The installation of switches and sockets needs to take into account the rationality of the location. The general height is about 1.2-1.3m; appropriate materials must be selected in advance during installation. It is most recommended to choose switch sockets with waterproof and moisture-proof functions, and pay attention to the connection specifications of the lines.

NO.5: You can better match the soft furnishings at home by doing it yourself

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

You can also do other aspects of soft decoration by yourself. The process of soft decoration is simple, most of them need to be installed, such as furniture and decorations. Curtain installation, mural hanging, furniture installation, etc.

The DIY difficulty of these soft decoration projects is not high. Usually you only need to prepare basic tools such as drills, screwdrivers, hammers, etc.

NO.6: When doing land reclamation and cleaning at home, you can do most of the steps yourself. Can handle it

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

In general, land reclamation cleaning is the final cleaning work after decoration. Compared with the daily cleaning in the later period, land reclamation cleaning is more important. There are many more projects, such as cleaning doors, windows, corners, floors, etc. It is very tedious to clean.

However, most of the steps can be done by yourself. In addition to using vacuum cleaners, mops and other tools for cleaning, cleaning is also very complicated. Generally, just use clean water. You can also use rags, scouring pads, water purifiers, etc. to clean the floor. The overall operation difficulty and physical requirements are not high.

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

>>Do-it-yourself projects at home not only save money, but also provide peace of mind

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

The benefits of do-it-yourself decoration are very obvious. Do-it-yourself decoration is more satisfying, the quality of decoration is guaranteed, and you can also save money. Labor costUse,The cost saved in one renovation can be completely arranged for other uses.

Do-it-yourself decoration Not only can you make your home decoration more personalized, but you can also learn and master some practical tips and skills in the process. If you develop more interest along the way, why not keep that passion going?

>>Which projects at home are most suitable for DIY? It is recommended to read here

Summary 1: If having time to experience and participate is more important, do soft decoration

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

Home decoration, if it is for a sense of experience or participation, it is recommended to start with simple soft decoration projects,such as curtains and murals , Furniture selection location, etc.

After all, the construction difficulty of these soft decoration projects is not high. As long as you pay attention to reasonable matching and harmonious colors, you can create a warm and comfortable living environment. The sense of process is far more important than the sense of result. It’s up to you to decide the final effect!

Summary 2: If you want to save money and time, simple projects are most suitable, such as beautiful sewing

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

Projects that can save money and time, orYou can do it yourself, but you have to choose simple projects, such as seams that can be made, pipe wrapping, furniture assembly, etc..

Even if the operation is not done properly, it only needs to be re-done. , will not cause too much economic loss. Compared with paying someone to do it, you can save more money by doing these projects yourself. Save money once and feel at ease twice!

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

The success rate of DIY decoration will be higher, learn these skills

Tip 01. Do the project yourself, watch the video first and then start the work, the success rate is high

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

When doing decoration yourself, you should watch the relevant video tutorials in advance. This will not only help you better understand each step, but also avoid some common mistakes. .

Choose some videos shared by experienced decoration masters and follow their steps, the success rate will be higher~ Remember to prepare paper and pen before watching the video, and be prepared to take notes!

Tip 02. Family members can divide labor and cooperate so that everyone can participate

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

When doing decoration by yourself, it is recommended that you work with other family members to divide the work and help each other . Improving work efficiency can also enhance cohesion among family members.

For example. One person can be responsible for cleaning and preparing materials, and the other person can do the actual construction. This division of labor can help you learn the construction steps faster

Tip 03. Practice. After DIY decoration, you will have a deeper understanding of decoration

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

By doing certain projects yourself, you will have a deeper understanding of every aspect of home decoration and better choose subsequent professional services.

For example After you finish making the switch and socket yourself, you can find out the cause and solution of the problem yourself, so you can judge when to hire someone to do it and when to do it yourself. It is more worry-free and saves money than hiring a decoration company directly!

Tip 04. Making your own soft furnishings can also be a part-time job to earn some extra money

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

Diy decoration can also greatly enhance the personalization of the home. After decoration, if you have more experience in soft decoration projects, these experiences can be developed.

After you have experience, if you open your own decoration company to take orders, the price will be lower than other companies, and the quality will be higher than other companies. Will you earn more? ?

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

Doing these 6 things yourself when decorating your home will not only save you money, but also make you feel more at ease.

When you decorate your home, \”paying for peace of mind\” is really not the only option. After staying away from decoration companies, you can do it yourself and control every step. The effect is more secure and the cost is less worry.

Simple sewer bag sound insulation, tile caulking, switch socket installation, etc. can be done by yourself. In the future, you can consider doing other projects yourself first, and then consider hiring others to do the decoration by yourself, saving money. You are right, why don’t you try it?


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