Posting blessing characters during the Spring Festival – more is not always better! How many should be posted? 🍀🍀🍀

Every Spring Festival, every household will paste the word \”福\” on their doors, windows and other places.

As soon as the red character \”福\” was pasted, the New Year flavor was instantly overwhelming and the whole family was surrounded by the red joy.

So, why is it necessary to post the word \”福\” during the Spring Festival?

In ancient times, there has always been the custom of posting auspicious words during the Spring Festival, and the word \”福\” can be said to have the widest range of auspicious words! \”Book of Rites\” says——

\”The blessed are those who are prepared.\” The one who is prepared is also known as Baishun. 』

Blessing means everything goes well. It includes many beautiful meanings such as abundant financial resources, successful career, peace and security, and prosperous family. Therefore, the custom of posting blessing characters during the Spring Festival has been formed.

However, I would like to remind everyone that posting \”blessings\” during the Spring Festival does not mean the more the better!

Under normal circumstances, if the area of ​​​​the home is small, then posting a few blessings in conspicuous places is enough. If your home is large, you can stick more stickers appropriately.

In general, it should be decided according to the size of the residential space, suitable for the home environment, and harmonious matching, then it can create a good home atmosphere, and the new year will be red. Booming, Momofuku is complete!

Putting them at home can not only add joy to the New Year, but also adjust the negative aura, helping you to make money and have boundless blessings~

In this door blessing, there is a handwritten word \”福\” printed on the front to send you blessings. The background is a dragon and phoenix auspicious pattern, which means the dragon and phoenix are auspicious, auspicious and festive.

The four-cornered bats represent blessings everywhere, and these four bats combined with the word \”Fu\” in the middle are exactly \”five blessings coming to the door\”, bringing everyone Home is full of blessings and good luck.

On the back of Menfu, there is a purple taboo painted with cinnabar by Xingdao. Emperor Ziwei is in charge of the heavens and earth as well as the blessings and misfortune of the world. The appearance of Ziwei Ba means that Emperor Ziwei is personally here to protect the home and avoid all bad luck.

This Menfuzhong has a different design. Directly below the character \”福\” are drawn the famous Hetu Luoshu and the Houtian Bagua.

Hetu Luoshu contains the laws of the universe, the relationship between heaven and earth, and the harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The acquired gossip can accurately reveal the nature and development trend of things.

Combined together, it can guide us to follow the laws of nature, grasp the direction of life, make future judgments and predictions more accurate, add blessings and refuge, gather wealth and keep it, win every step, and live a better and better life. good!

Besides the Hetu Luoshu Bagua diagram, there are a few auspicious words written, wishing everyone prosperity, happiness and longevity. After the bat patterns in the four corners, there are also four blessings, which can bring more blessings to everyone.

On the back of the word \”Fu\”, there are drawn the protection blessing, wealth blessing, Suijun, and four mythical beasts. Multiple forces gather together to form a powerful protective force and provide all-round protection. In 2025, you will have a happy life, a smooth career, and prosperous wealth.

Every door blessing contains full blessings!

Take it home and stick it on the door, living room, and bedroom during the Spring Festival to ward off bad luck and welcome good fortune. Stick it on your financial position, shop, or company, you will make money every day, your business will be prosperous, and your career will rise.

Posting blessing characters during the Spring Festival - more is not always better! How many should be posted? 🍀🍀🍀


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